You lost me when you said you watched that abomination Teen Titans go
You lost me when you said you watched that abomination Teen Titans go
Touch me bro
Is this show any good? After "The Bastard Executioner" I'm very skeptical
Star Wars: The Clone Wars was amazing. Rebels looks like it was animated in a preschool
Legend of Korra was the last good Western animated action series
Lucius Fox is in the show though lol
A 3 year old could tell a better story smh Marvel Animation, the mighty have fallen
Lol this whole show is a convoluted "Who-Dun-It?" In the vein of a wannabe soap opera romance-esque cop thriller
Su Beifong is Bae!!
Crappy writers am I right?
Women am I right?
I want stick my 🍆 In all of the female cast, save for Becky
"Yo Varmints! I'll eat you! I'll eat your mom!"
Lol gotta love Adventure Time
This be my jam, been watching Adventure Time since 2010 it premiered!
The more you know lol
I love your opinions ;)
Opinions. Gotta love em
Benoist can get the 🍆