
Spawn was fun in SC2 calm down.

Spotted: BMW’s graphic designers after having their new logo approved

I put hundreds of hours into the GameCube version. I even had 3 other friends who would come over and play in my town. At one point we all had our statues, gold silver bronze and GREEN.

“The inset dashboard material looks interesting”

I think the only thing HD can really offer anyone at this point is being a case study in business school. Don’t rest on your laurels while your market ages out.

I actually think this isn’t a bad idea at all.

I know some people are out for blood on this, but honestly, playing a fucking video game and trusting your car to just zip along? This is Tesla’s fault?

I’ve had this dash for a few months now. It still feels somewhat clunky, and like there’s space dedicated to irrelevant things (I get constant ads to get gamepass or gold, despite having gamepass ultimate through 2020). Adding items to the home screen makes them appear vertically below the main screen, with more info

Quick resume is a nice idea, but if you’re playing anything that’s GaaS it’s kinda pointless.

$30k for a Theseus Model X?


Marketing doesn’t design cars. Engineers do. 

Bout time we got a proper Island of Dr Moreau game

I have a stainless steel fork that is rusty, your god is dead and there is no salvation.

Hey Sean, can we customize the ships we already have? Maybe at least the paint?”


I was thinking more like blue instead of yellow bu..”


I’m loving this game. I got in after the first update, after a bit of the vitriol died down and it’s been

This installment of Animal Crossing is set to release on the same day as DOOM: Eternal.

This is the first time I think I’ve ever seen a convertible and thought it looks as nice as the coupe it’s based on. Fuckin tarps off on this one.

This sounds so fucking stupid dumbass electric hummer giant dipshit vehicle.

I got it for maybe $10 CAD, so that’s like $0.87 USD.

If we exist in the Stuart Little multiverse, then mini sentient beings like this are accepted as real.