
When I fired up this game at first, it really hit me. I think the fact that the message here wasn’t done over the top and in my face really made it sink in.

The first thing I noticed in the character selection as a white dude was “huh, there’s no white dudes”

Then I realized this is what everyone else feels like pretty

I feel this pain.

What’s worse, is that I actually have a pretty regular squad of 3-4 other players who have time to game. The problem is, they only want to play the same 2 games. Racing, or Frostbite FPS.

I’ve tried getting them in to FO 76, Destiny, Anthem, For Honor, No Man’s Sky, Far Cry 5, and a bunch of other

Fingers crossed that Honda steps their game up and has a Motocompo tailgate on the 2020 Ridgeline

Hot Wheels save people from the human condition of buying crossovers with CVTs by picking them up at the dealership and just launching them off a giant fucking ramp.

Into a loop

Over a dinosaur shaped volcano

Around a hairpin

And back to the dealership where they decide to live mas forever.

Introduction - Meet the boring

“VIP” bonus for people who pre-ordered Anthem or were either paid EA Access or Origin Access subscribers

More often than not, the goal of a startup is get boughtup.

There’s A LOT to unpack here. I was onboard for a Cadillac revival, but this guy completely turned me off. 

It’s interesting that a car like this exists at all.

Here, this car was primarily owned by the “used 328i xdrive” crowd. AKA kids with parents who are rich, but don’t actually have any money for themselves.

Both of these cars are almost a punchline as an accessory rather than being owned by someone who is into cars or

Are those the right amount of zeroes? Are you telling me that in a year, 10 tires are worth 5.5 million CAD with the current exchange rate?

You mean to tell me that there was an advance of the advance test for those avatars, and we STILL ended up with these god awful abominations?

Has anyone been able to make one that didn’t look like randal from recess? It’s like the art style is hard locked to sniveling weasel.

The first time I played after all the intro stuff, I turned the game on to load and figured I’d take a minute to grab a drink and a snack and settle in. In the few minutes I was in the next room, I was killed twice. I wasn’t even playing and died twice.

Is my understanding correct in that this essentially turns LMP1 into the hyper-car version of GTE?

If so, that doesn’t seem terrible. I always found it kind of odd that companies like Ferrari and Lamborghini weren’t racing with the top of their stock.

In making these changes, does that also then eliminate the top tier,

Genesis is its own brand, and that brand was created in 2015.

You don’t say wow look at that Fiat/Chrysler Maserati Quattroporte, makes me want a Kraft Cadbury Dr. Pepper/Snapple Cream Soda! It’s much faster than my Toyota Lexus IS!

I’ve played solo since after the beta, and I think the game would have worked better as a co-op pve game. The PvP aspect is interesting and adds a cool dynamic, but I think more people would have been attracted to the game if it was a new installment of the same formula, with friends.

This game really highlights the problem with the armchair critics that are an unfortunate side of this industry. I think more outlets should go the route of you can’t review unless you have play time.

3 and 4 played like completely different shooters.

3 was VATS simulator. In 4, I never used VATS across a few hundred hours of gameplay. 

Honestly, this game has me really looking for a step back from this hobby, as the general public as a whole is a miserable, whiny, uninformed dolt.

I played the game in the betas under the hype that it’s fallout with friends! great! I enjoyed myself and so did my friends.

The amount faux outrage culture that of course

I guess I just don’t know if the amount of work it’d take them to fill the gap between about 70k and 100k is worth it for the low volume at that price point, especially with GM wanting to cut waste.

I bought Destiny 2 when it came out, and was ready to get into it with my group.

I played through the entire campaign and was ready to go and...no one else got it. I got to the real start of the game and had no one to do any of the actual raids and stuff with. I did the crucible a little but eventually I moved on.


Why maintain 3 platforms when you can get away with 2, and rather than a whole platform costing an extra ~30k, make a different bumper, add some wheels, stiffen the suspension, call it a new package and charge for that.