Overtymem Usicradio

If you have not already, watch the 1997 film Wag The Dog. Its a fake war to raise his approval numbers. Nothing more. Nothing less. 45 gives maybe a shit and a half about the Syrian people.

This is what happens when another generation comes along and think they can outdo iconic anthems or commercials, you get this. Pepsi will someday learn that they will never outdo or match "If I Could Teach The World To Sing" Coke commercial from 1971.

You are extremely emo, but you get a pass on this one. However I would say Deja getting shot made almost transfer to HBCU, with only a year left before graduation.

I think you need to check you timeline again. Robert Townsend and his PIC was before In Living Color. I understand where Dave is coming from, but I rather have him discuss this privately with K&P instead of addressing this in the media. It seems to tell the world is all we do is look for reasons to have beef with each

I have noticed this here in Texas as well. The religious Hispanic community has gone very conservative and they backed Trump, especially on the wall debate.

This dude is not in some sunken place, this is the result of selling his soul, and satan has come to collect.

I wish it was that simple but it is not. It is due to lack of creativity and originality, love of music, the craft, and is just it to get rich and famous at the expense musicianship and artistry.

LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! Ok. But you went full blown emo. Never go full blown emo. If you do, never admit that you went full emo. As a matter of fact, never admit that you went emo at all, not even if provoked. Going emo over a tv show is cause for an investigation to which can lead to you man card being revoked.

I do not know too much about any of the rappers under the age of 30, but I doubt that too many female mcs would partake in mumbling out there lyrics as they would prefer that their fans are able to understand what they are saying. But I could be wrong, and I do not listen to mumble rap.

Its called mumble rap and the youngins seem to love it for some reason.

You can no longer clown Drake ever again. You just went full blown Drake. Never go full blown Drake

Ms, please go take your meds. I only received attention from you to which I did not invite. Call your doctor and get a refill immediately.

You are latina? Then we should not be arguing.

Reading is fundamental but clearly illiteracy is a huge problem wherever you are from. I said white supremacy is a concern and I never said anything about the hair of any women being any concern of mine. Just that Tyrese is entitled to his opinion on any subject he chose on his Instagram page. Just as it was Champs

Look I have no idea what you are talking about as your grammar is all over the place. And I am sure you are a white male pretending to be a black female. I am a man simply saying that Tyrese has every right to his opinions no matter how you feel about it.

What answer are you seeking child?

Lord look at these misspelled words and ramblings about attacking someone. PJ, Champ you guys have a troll problem.

Are you bored?

Damn that dog hollers loudly when its kicked.

I am sorry but I fail to see what white men have to do with any of this. Tyrese is a grown man and this is a free country, at least I think it is at this point, and he is allow to comment on anything that he pleases. It is his right to have to have an opinion regardless if it's an opinion that you do not agree with or