Overtymem Usicradio

Not I follow.

You are an Xer. A baby Xer. Forget that 79 or 80 cutoff, that is Boomer BS to make our generation smaller and less relevant. Xers unite!

Millennials have completely screwed up the dating process. Mankind is doomed. Xers figured it out and gave you the blueprint to dating. How could you millennials screw up something so simple? Cuffing season?? (SMDH) with serious amounts of facepalm.

Sniff sniff…9 sniff to 5…sniff

One you need to tune into OverTymeMusic link: rod.to/OTMR. Those FM 90's station will nly a handful of what they consider hits whereas OTMR plays everything within the genres of R&B, Soul and Hip Hop, plus Urban Gospel and Smooth Jazz Sundays. OTMR is independently owned as well as black owned.Now for Boyz, I believe

I can help you relive the good times every Friday and Saturday on my internet radio station: rdo.to/OTMR. Come by and check us out at OverTymeMusicRadio. Desktop, laptop and tablet users for now. I am 43 and have very little interest in the pop world whatsoever. Come and join me.

I really need to visit Missouri.

That one drop rule sh!t does not apply. Got to have hood in your heart, not blood.

Unfortunately he was a heartthrob to young girls in their teens and early 20's. I remember who they screamed while watching Belly in 98. Scary stuff.