I’ll admit its a little odd design but i know for a fact if this thing was made for real it would shut a city down with how many heads it would turn, and just because its a little odd doesn’t mean i wouldn’t drive the f out of it.
I’ll admit its a little odd design but i know for a fact if this thing was made for real it would shut a city down with how many heads it would turn, and just because its a little odd doesn’t mean i wouldn’t drive the f out of it.
“(We should note that, by our math, at roundabout $60 for an eighth of marihuana, 60 pounds of weed would be about $460,800 in street value. Dilworth police, where are you buying your weed?)“
Exactly, its almost like the writer of this article has no understanding of this. Also a lower capital gains tax offers incentive for people with excess money (after they paid taxes the first time) to invest it instead of “sitting on it and doing nothing”. More capital investments means that we have a healthier money…
I genuinely feel bad for the guy, but with everything happening in this country I feel like this is the last thing we should be showing sympathy for, a car is material it can be replaced and if not oh well, at least he still has his family unlike so many of his fellow countrymen.
Knowing you’ll probably never be able to afford your dream car 😔
The smoking and driving reminded me of the time a year or two back where I saw a beautiful Porsche Panamera Turbo S behind me. He pulled next to me in the right lane at a red light and was smoking a cig INSIDE HIS BRAND NEW FUCKING CAR. Anyways, his window was only cracked and the idiot went to ash the thing and he…
I hate you
There is a distinct difference between there and their, reading her Facebook posts made me cringe.
I just noticed someone posted this already :(
I didn’t really get why you were upset but I starred it anyways because I lol’d at your first sentence, beautiful writing sir, 10/10
I’m 21 now and I still remember watching cool educational shows on the Discovery and History channels. I remember my little brother an I used to love watching Modern Marvels or educational programs on WWII and Vietnam, and then one day *poof* they were all gone and pawn stars and fast and loud were on....what a shame.
As someone who mostly listens to Rap and Punk Rock, this has been my favorite song for a while....it’s just so good. Great Pick!
All I want is the RS6 Avant in the US....is that too much to ask Audi?
“Cops stop crimes without actually murdering anyone in GTA IV.”
I see what you’re saying, and that is definitely a grey area. But at least for myself I never want to put someone in that type of situation thats why I always specifically ask, there is never any harm in doing that.
Saying this as a man, at any point if anyone even has to ask the question “was that/ or was I raped?” The answer is yes. You didn’t say yes, consent is never implied. Girls/guys laugh sometimes when I ask but I think it’s something everyone should do.
The only time I use it is when I yell CANCEL! when I accidentally hit the voice command button.