
Trust me when I say not to do this for Game of Thrones. Wikipedia doesn't have a spoiler-alert thing and you'd be better served reading about stuff AFTER you read the books. Otherwise you will be deprived of experiencing really visceral moments firsthand. (This happened to me with the Red Viper thing. I really

I get this question a lot, and honestly I think it's a matter of taste. They're both great, and they both kind of serve different people. Lastpass is established, great, and offers a ton of very advanced user features, and until its most recent revamp wasn't really too user friendly. Dashlane on the other hand has

The 80/20 rule Tim Ferris talks about is Pareto's Principle - that most of the reward comes from (the first) bit of the effort. Most times we quote it as 80/20, but sometimes we're talking about something easy to measure, and 90/10 or 70/30 is more appropriate. Justin Jackson, however, is saying that you need to keep

They should do something like this to keep track of books in the library, there's so many of them, how do they ever know where they are? Sort them out using decimal numbers on index cards in drawers or something...

Wow, that's *really* good. :) Nicely done!

This is something I've been thinking about for a long long time. Ever since The Lifehacker Cookbook and back in the days where we had threads organized by hashtag, I kind of missed the communities that sprung up around specific ideas. We could probably do Kinja groups and sub-blogs for stuff like that now - the trick

I'll publish them on a Tumblr, no biggie

It's "ok" but it's just a commercialized version of good running form. There are a few things about Chi that are just wrong, like trying to maintain an even cadence all the time. In fact, it will vary based on speed and terrain. Here's the skinny on proper running form: http://strengthrunning.com/2013/10/proper…

not like this though:

I already like you better than most people.

I actually use something like this when I know I'm not making enough eye contact. I time it with blinks.


Military time confuses many people, but it's actually really simple to convert it. If anyone gives you a time that starts with "13" or more, all you need to do is subtract 12 from the first 2 digits and add a "pm" to the end. If you need to tell someone the time in military terms, add 12 to the hour part of anything

I replied to Alan below on the outcome of my experiment, thought I'd let you know :D

Vote: Notepad++

I'm extremely proud of this. :)

As IT for a semi large company, if i saw someone with TOR installed i would talk to them about it and have them remove it. then check back in a few weeks to see if they re-installed it. if they did then i would just go to HR to file a complaint that they are using company property for inappropriate uses. the same

If it's someone else's equipment and network, then, no, you probably aren't entitled to the expectation of privacy.

Chances are your IT department can remotely access your computer, making pretty much any attempt at hiding your activity useless. Just save the questionable browsing for home (you're supposed to be working anyway, right?). Besides, if they routinely point out you have no right to privacy on your company machine I