
One idea: what about some kind of community groups within Lifehacker, in the same vein of how io9 has monthly book club discussions. It's already happened a bit in the Friday open threads. Why not having a recurring Lifehacker cooking club post? Or a running or exercise club? Heck, a maker's club would be fantastic,

... but I don't WANT to upload my photos to Thorin's dropbox. I don't know what he'll do with them!

Hope I've gotten this question in before Jason's out. I've been reading a lot of things about "chi running" lately and I'm wondering if the purported benefits of it's just a pseudo-scientific trend or actually based on good science and practice. I run several days a week and do yoga to supplement, so I'm wondering if

Depends on the title. And yeah, you can't choose which union to represent you. It's a horrible mess of a system, really. :(

I work for the government. There's a bunch of different unions. Depending on your civil service title, a different union negotiates your benefits.

I had a promotion last year at work, for more than a 20% increase on my salary before then. Which sounded awesome.

That's why I never talk to females. WHO NEEDS 'EM, ANYWAY!?

Oh man, I've tried mirroring before. Then I start wondering, "What if they know I'm mirroring? Is this actually sociopathic behavior?"

Oi. The problem with eye contact for me is that I also start to feel really self-conscious about it. Then I start thinking about eye contact etiquette more than the actual conversation.

As a dancer, competitions are a huge part of my particular hobby. Lately I've found myself getting competition fatigue, though. There seems to be a comp at every event I attend, even the smallest and most-local ones.

My partner and I just hit up Disney and Universal in Florida this past summer, just us, no children, and on two days we went with a friend (who works for Disney). I'd imagine this would be harder to do with children who want to go and see everything, but we planned our days out in advance. We talked about which rides

Oh interesting! Keep me updated. Mind replying to this again if the experiment is successful?

I use a French press too. I leave it at room temp overnight (at least 12 hours). The last couple batches I've made have come out pretty tasty, even using an older, less-fresh grind. There's still maybe a millimeter or two of sludge at the bottom, but that's easy to avoid.

But where ELSE can I go to complain?

I know, it's horrible! I was planning on buying ice cream later today!

... I knew I should've gotten a Chromecast when it was on sale.

The Art of Manliness podcast has been filling the Lifehacker podcast-shaped hole in my life. I'm sort of wishing that you guys would pop up on it one day.

Adam's legacy in my life: my partner and I refer to pooping as "flossing" now. I will miss you on Lifehacker!

Whose idea was it to use the Lego pictures? Whoever you are, you're the best.

Kinda-sorta. I'm also a dancer in addition to what I do for a living and my coworkers know that I teach and compete. I've even put on a performance or two at work before for holiday parties. I also have to inform my boss whenever I'm going on vacation, which is usually for dance purposes. My coworkers basically all