For my last job search, my resumes were all submitted electronically in .pdf format. However, I still showed up at the interviews with paper resumes in hand. I suppose that counts?
For my last job search, my resumes were all submitted electronically in .pdf format. However, I still showed up at the interviews with paper resumes in hand. I suppose that counts?
iCloud Keychain: is there any benefit to using it over LastPass or Dashlane at the current moment? I'm in the full Apple ecosystem and I suppose it's nice to have something that syncs well across it all (Dashlane apparently doesn't have a native iPad app yet?)
Oh yeah, RunRunLive is a good one. Funny enough, I also started listening to the Labyrinth after they had some famous runner/author on as an interview. It's not dedicated to running and fitness per se, but it's stuck on ever since.
Ah! Zendone was one I never got around to trying! How's the premium account for EN working out for you? I'm thinking about activating it, at least for a month or so—a bit of international travel coming up and I'd like to have my docs on me ^^
Yup, pretty much. I do dither on sometimes.
What's that Bruce Lee quote? "I don't fear the man who does 10,000 kicks 1 time. I fear the man who does 1 kick 10,000 times."
A few weeks ago, I really went overboard with the FIND THE PERFECT PRODUCTIVITY STUFF obsession, to the point where trying to be productive became a form of procrastination in and of itself. I think Whitson Gordon had the best line about this in his How We Work post: "I spent years trying to find the "perfect"…
I think that's the most tags I've ever seen on a Lifehacker article, Alan o_o
Yeah, I'm at that point of "I keep meaning to!" also. Though I'm happy with my current job, I just had an interview request with another organization and I wished that I already had created a page for myself. It would've been great not to be scrambling to find my better maps.
If I'm running outside, I typically don't listen to anything. Given that I run in New York City and usually get my running in during the evening-night, that's probably a good thing. At the gym is a different story. When I'm on the treadmill, I've found that traditional and swing jazz get me going (of course, that's…
Hello fellow Geographic Information Scientist!
I actually use Mint to keep track of my current financial health rather than using it for budgeting. There was an article a little while ago that mentioned the 50/20/30 rule, which I've set up as tags in Mint. I'm a little slavish in keeping my finances organized right now (I review and tag my expenses in Mint on…
Oh good! I used to work A&R in college for a music publisher. I have a ton of demo CDs hanging around I've been meaning to find an actual use for ...
Actually, about that—how comparable is online learning for programming and design to paying for a full, formal education? I suppose it is nicer to have a degree of some kind, but what are the major tradeoffs between a formal education and self teaching + online classes?
One of the problems I had going into grad school straight out of undergrad was the lack of experience problem afterward. Yes, I had a master's degree from a top 10 school in my field, plus internships with well-respected agencies related to what I wanted to do, and awesome recommendations from employers and professors…