
But Bob Ross floats down a stream with a paint brush. And, anyway, he rarely goes near streams or any water for that matter. His hair is already as curly as it gets.

Is there a side-by-side comparison of Pixelmator 3.0 vs. Photoshop someplace? If not, Lifehacker should do one.

Do. Or laptop. For travel MacBook Air.

I'm a creator, not a consumer!

Lion was buggy all over the place. I skipped it completely. Went from 10.6.8 to 10.8.1 (and only then because my HD was recalled and Apple installed 10.8).

At various time my design work has been featured on various sites and sometimes the comments are numerous. One thing I like to do is to actually engage that public when I get the opportunity. Comments can fall under a number of categories: compliment, constructive criticism (rarely but it happens), harsh criticism