Come to think of it, they own CTR now, too.
Come to think of it, they own CTR now, too.
“Why does it have to be a fighting game? Why can’t it be a kart rac-”
I wonder what the numbers look like on Game Pass though. Low numbers on Steam arent surprising since a lot of users probably didnt purchase it there
Plus, the game was an unknown gamble back then, too. The video game voice acing ‘industry’ was in its infancy. CD based games with the ability to have full voiced characters was less than 4 years old since the PS1 came out in 1994 and MGS was in development starting in 1995 with release in 1998. Previously, any…
The short legs don't move at all. So that might be the rub, they want the AC cast to be able to sit in chairs.
Excited, although their proportions seem all off. Figured they would at least use the shorter legs.
I wasn’t too interested in the Mario ones because of their wonky figures, got a little closer to buying with the Sonic ones (they made great gifts for the tykes), but these and those rumoured-I-think-were-they-confirmed-? Zelda sets are probably going to sucker me in.
Yep. I’ve seen it all over. Which is why the second I saw that TechCrunch article I was like “What universe is Alex living in?”
Naughty Dogs plan was never to make “Factions, but in TLOU 2". They were considerably more ambitious than that before Bungie was ever involved. Bungie was brought in as a reality check of someone who knows what getting in over your head with live service design looks like, and ND failed that reality check.
You’ve got the directionality here entirely backwards. Sony did not bring Bungie in to try to turn it into Destiny, Naughty Dog was doing that all on their own (which I’m sure is what Sony wanted from them), and Bungie was brought in to make sure Naughty Dog wasn’t unknowingly making an Anthem since they have no…
Their contracts won’t be officially terminated until the end of October and they’ll be expected to work through the rest of the month.
And the number of stores. I live in a small/medium sized city (about 1mil in our metro area) and we have more than 20 stores. There used to be a store near me where you could look out of the window and see another store. There shouldn’t be more than 3-4 stores here tops.
“I want you, not even paid a living wage, to care about my money as much as I, a billionaire, care about my money.”
Same, for my PS3 and Vita I had a number of PS1 games that I would like to have on my PS5. There are a few on there when the PS+ tiers came out that I was able to transfer. My save files I wish I could transfer to my Vita from my PS1 memory cards.
Clearly this is because THPS 1&2 was just announced for Steam
Speaking purely for myself, this gen was the first gen that I seriously considered buying a PlayStation, and it was mostly because of exclusive games that I was interested in (mainly Marvel’s Spider-Man) and slightly because Sony finally made a controller that was comfortable for me to hold. Then Sony announced it…
I know I digress, but Wolfenstein 3D wasn’t even the first FPS made by ID.
They made Catacomb 3-D a year prior.
That looks a lot more like Wolfenstein 3D than Doom, to be honest… I’m sure this is what they were going for
I mean, more of a wolf3d clone, but whatever ;)