
Stacking’s a bastard for airflow/heat, though; which the past couple decades of consoles have a pretty poor history with.

I always liked how the laser hallway in the terrible Resident Evil movie was the one thing Roger Ebert liked about it:

I did a full Resident Evil series playthrough earlier this year, original versions.

Resident Evil 4 is a near perfect game but once you leave the village it has absolutely god-awful pacing and I think moving some of those set pieces over to reinforce Ada’s campaign is the best of both worlds.

Also, she’s definitely

If I know anything about Ada Wong, she is bored, and this burning zombie island is her office.

This is sure to piss off some people 6 years from now when the game launches.

He’s also extremely pro-Israel and even had Bigby give a monologue about how bad ass of a country it is because of how it “strikes back” at threats against it. Guys got some shitty views 

That abortion thing was so weirdly written too. It clearly wasn’t a character making that decision according to their personality and beliefs as presented in the work, it just swerved in out of nowhere as authorial commentary. There was a similar random thing with Israel is the later comics, iirc.

Don’t forget the Israel chapter!

Yeah. My circles are already chatting about how there are now going to be abortions for everyone who wants one! Also everyone is gay, trans, or both. It’s going to be beautiful.

Since the article weirdly doesn’t mention anything about it: Willingham is a woman-hating far right asshole who was a huge industry insider for the Comicgate people, and Fables includes stuff like Snow White being forcibly impregnated by the Big Bad Wolf when they’re both drugged, who then refuses to let her have an

I had been thinking the same thing, and moreover was confused that there were singleplayer titles on this list at all when it’s paying for online multiplayer, but it makes sense to give people tastes of a lot of different things so they’ll feel more compelled to buy the games outright. That’s why it’s Dishonored 2,

I’m surprised to not see Minecraft, Rare Replay, or Sea of Thieves on this list.

Also would have expected to see Halo MCC instead of Halo 5.

Glad to hear noted non-asshole Jerry Seinfeld chime in.

Two powerful people having a laugh at an underling’s expense is never awkward for the powerful and the underling hasn’t earned the right to have thoughts and feelings of their own, so no harm done. 

metroid would be a great way to get the kinds of people who post on videogame website message boards, but not much else. it’s always been niche. now, that IS a great way to satiate those fans and say ‘hey serious gamers, we haven’t forgotten about you’.

My GameCube GameBoy player says it did! Sort of...

…I was about to type, “The GameCube didn’t have backwards compatibility either” until I realized it was released more than 20 years ago and now I am sad.

Metroid Prime 4

Yeah I’ve been eyeing picking up the OLED switch but been holding out for a switch 2.