
Put Putin in one of those things. Problem solved!

Those have to be malaise-era Trans Am vents on the side.

Aw Crap. Steering wheel is on the wrong damn side.

Warms my heart to see these thugs get the crap beat out of them.

That was way disturbing. Looks like he wants to use her phone? Dunno...

And here I was expecting 12 bizarre Subway Sandwich Shop ads. Bummer.

It's dead Jim...

Hey Youabian, I also think it is super ugly, so go ahead and sue me too.

What a huge, lifted, pile of crap.

A Corvette died 10,000 deaths for this? Blech!

Hopefully this is the beginning of Acura / Honda getting their mojo back.

Great story.

I bought a Corvette convertible and live in suburban Chicago. Weather sucks so hard here. It's either raining, or 90 degrees. I'm an idiot.

Datsun made a pretty smooth transition to Nissan. Not quite the same, but along the same lines. I like the idea.

You got some really great DB material there.

Why do I see rust on a lot of the Sprinters I see around Chicago. Is it build quality or neglect?

UPDATE: Video removed!

That looks super cool and totally exhausting to drive for more than an hour at a time.

Ode to C6 me thinks....

Those door gaps are huge! Makes me glad they don't make them like they used to.