
Not that I disagree with him but shut the f$ck up Ralph.

A 1969 Camaro because I lost my virginity in the back seat of one.

Clearly function over beauty, or fugly over beauty. Whatever...

The first time I experienced lanes splitting was on the 405 in CA. Coming from Il, I had no idea it was legal and the motorcycle splitting thr lane scared the shit out of me. Such a bad idea...

I can't believe the MB perfume injected into the cabin thingie didn't make this list.

NASCAR should change the name to "The Flat Tire 400." All the cautions made it boring to watch, and I thought it was never going to end.


Yeppers. No shit. Back up your god damn hard drive. Do it now!


Good point. If the car is legit, $75K is nice price, but...

1994 Eldorado? She did him a favor.

Yup, my pick. Beat me to it.

Once again, stupid government trying to regulate out of their asses.

I floated the idea in a conversation with coworkers over a week ago that the plane landed somewhere. It is the only scenario that makes sense. We'll see...

My first commercial flight was on a DC-10. RIP.

I have a soft spot for Mantas, but this is way too much. CP

So the crankshaft bearings weighs what, 2200 lbs?

The few times I've accidentally cut someone off because I didn't see them when I should have seen them, well, I feel like a douche bag.

Illinois outlawed hand held cell phone use as of 1/1/2014 but I still see people yacking it up on their handsets every day. Citizen's arrest?

Almost every one of these things I see on the road are covered in rust. Not sure if it is construction not suitable for the upper Midwest, or neglect.