
Nice to see that the out of business home builders have migrated to the bus industry.

Once upon a time I had a Mitsubishi Mirage Turbo. Neat little car.

3100 lbs? Riiiiiiiiiiight. I'll believe it when you weigh it.

That thing has been repeatedly beat with an ugly stick. CP

Fiat 850 Spider

Oh, there's my Grand Prix. I couldn't remember where I parked it. Thanks!

Shit. I was going to say he is a douchebag but everyone beat me to it!

I call bullshit, and if you must call your Mom from your car to inform her how much you saved on laundry s detergent before you get home to your room in your Mom's basement, at least use a hands free device. Thank you.

Still too much!

Apparently at some point many SRT4 drivers move up to Corvettes.

Will not miss. At all. Not even a little, mini bit.

Links to the original ads?

Sunroof? Fail. But still very nice!

I love 928s. I once owned a 1985 928. But that looks a money pit at any price. CP.

I bid one dolllaaaarrrrrr....

More repair than maintenance I guess, but, any exhaust work, including getting the exhaust manifolds off with nothing more than floor jacks. Ugh.

One can only hope. Just imagine a McLaren tuned Civic Si. Sigh.....

Cheese grater / bottle opener / shield / grill goes right here.

I'm down with those.

The RX-4 owner apparently can't read an odometer ether since the eBay ad says 118,967, but in one of the pictures the odometer reads 189, 6xx. I'd spend the extra $2000 for the RX-7. Only 72,000 miles and a lot cleaner.