
Brown people get arrested and detained for years just for visiting terrorist affiliated sites. POC get detained without access to attorneys for years just for chatting with/get DM’d by someone suspected of being a terrorist. What’s the point of fighting terrorists abroad when we got some at home?

If she had done a another naked photo shoot people would be complaining about that too. The truth is because of this woman’s past, people will never give her a break. I personally am not mad at the cover. At least she was channeling Jackie Onassis and not Michelle Obama. That, I would have had a problem with.

Anthonyweiner-itis strikes again: you’d think people would learn by now about what not to post, but noooooooooooooo. (She has to be a Trump-voter which would explain a lot. But still, they’re that dumb?)

It’s difficult to support these efforts when if they don’t get the confrontation they want, they go looking for it. Especially when they turn on police officers who actually aren’t attempting to stop them and decide to turn in retreat, rather than confront and inflame the crowds. Unlike the Charlottesville PD, they

Dozens of anti-facists protesters, known as antifa, pounced when Joey Gibson, founder of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer, showed up with his crew. Antifa protesters beat one man with a shield and another person wearing an American flag.

Because daddy and granddaddy could be as mediocre and openly racist as they wanted to be while still getting ahead and they can’t. They’ve spent their entire lives hearing about the good ole days (because the moderate/liberal white who isn’t racist and hates racism so much, but doesn’t have the balls to call their

They’re angry because their mediocrity isn’t getting them as far as it used to.

He was defacing property with the intent to blame BLM supporters for defacing/destruction of property.

Can we just say Death Note in all it’s iterations is just terrible and be done with it....

I mean he’s basically like I’m going to do you a favor by going off and fucking other people so you don’t have to worry about pleasing me as much. It’s a dick move.

What he’s missing is that it doesn’t have to be Wonder Woman OR Sarah Connor— we can have BOTH. They’re completely different women, because there isn’t just one type of woman, and the idea that we can only have one archetype of feminist icon is fucking stupid.

Yeah she says about 3 times that she’s cool with her sister having more money. If she needs to say it that often, she’s not fucking cool with it.

jfc, she sounds toxic. I also hate to say it, this kind of class resentment- whether deserved by the recipient or not - seems to be the basis for a lot of Trump support.

Yeah. It sounds to me like she *wants* her sister to experience a fall into poverty to teach her a lesson.

The situations where I hear about it working out usually start with people who are poly or have been poly before. Being monogamous for years and then suddenly deciding to give it a shot because reasons usually seems to turn out badly.

LW2 should really just let it go. If her sister is a snob, her sister is a snob. What are she going to confront her about? “Your life is too awesome and you have too much money and you’re not acting grateful enough?” Nah dude. LW2 needs to put her little green-eyed monster away and focus on herself.

LW2: That’s an awful lot of backstory. What is your sister actually doing and saying? If she’s giving unwanted advice or bragging about her possessions, then I think you should shut her down using whatever combination of directness, mockery, and bland refusal to engage works for you. If it’s more that she’s making

Opposite note for MVP. Your dude will be deeply sorry when he finds out you could have a revolving door of lovers at your beck and call. I swear every other story I hear of a guy wanting an open relationship ends in him finding out that you will have a LOT easier time finding lovers then he ever will. And once the

Has MVP’s boyfriend met a specific person he wants to sleep with hence he’s come up with this? I would probably think so...