
Unfortunately, articles about rape are far more likely to get views than articles about drug specifics. I can see the prosecutors opting not to focus on the specific drug or even to bring it up in order to avoid getting the jury bogged down with parsing out the type of drug and trying to understand how/why Cosby was

I’m sure some folks are having an absolute shit fit over this. It makes sense, though, in terms of adding more customers for Amazon and actually can help older folks (many of whom receive SNAP benefits/Medical Assistance), the disabled, people with babies/little kids, people in food deserts and people who don’t have

I do some of my grocery shopping using Amazon Prime Now and it’s pretty convenient for basics especially if I don’t feel like running around or don’t want to end up with a bunch of impulse buys. I can see older people, disabled people, and people with small kids especially using the service. If you live in area with

And yet people will still line up to defend Cosby. All of his victims will be called whores and gold diggers, and liars just out to ruin a great black man. They’ll ask ‘why didn’t she say something?’ and ‘why was she even there?’ ‘Why did she take that pill? I wouldn’t have taken a pill. She must have wanted something

And yet people will still line up to defend Cosby. All of his victims will be called whores and gold diggers, and liars just out to ruin a great black man. They’ll ask ‘why didn’t she say something?’ and ‘why was she even there?’ ‘Why did she take that pill? I wouldn’t have taken a pill. She must have wanted something

It won’t. That’s the problem with modern terrorists groups. You don’t have to travel to become radicalized, you just have to have internet access. And it won’t be by going to the ISIL recruitment page, it will by going down the rabbit hole of more and more extremist materials. Technology, especially social media and

A lot of people don’t get that. That’s why people support things like travel bans, registries, and all manner of security theater and violation of people’s rights. It gives the illusion of safety and the satisfaction of ‘striking back’. Unfortunately, all it really does is help the terrorists’ cause. Not only does it

I’m sorry for your loss. This past Mother’s Day was the first without my mom and it was hard. I didn’t want to be around people so I kind of cocooned at home. I ate some of her favorite foods, dressed by Barbie dolls (we both collected them) and, unfortunately, went through most of my flask of Crown Royal. I don’t

Congrats on your success! I’m just getting back into working out seriously after dealing with a huge bout of depression and anxiety. I keep myself motivated by focusing on strength and functional fitness rather than the scale. I like knowing that I can do 20 pushups now instead of 5 or go twice around twice around the

There were always a good number of women in the Marvel Legends lines. I have Thundra, Misty Knight, and Valkyrie. I just saw Dazzler and Polaris at Target today. I do remember not seeing much in the way of Black Widow merch when the first Avengers movie came out but she is definitely in the later toys. I can’t speak

The last I saw of Fergie was in an Avon catalog. I figured they had broken up.

Unfortunately too many people have used female/females in ways that are derogatory, dismissive, or objectifying. “Females need to get it together if they want to get a good man” “I don’t trust females” “You females don’t know what you want” . All of those sentences would be terrible even if I replaced females with

I was negative back in 2013 when I let someone else’s opinion make me ashamed of and hateful towards myself. I let that derail me. I got past that by changing my focus to what I can do now and what I want to do in the future. I don’t waste time on shame or feeling bad about myself. And I don’t waste time being angry.

No I’ll settle for telling you to fuck yourself right now. And you can keep your loser bullshit too. I don’t work with negativity anymore and that includes shaming. That never got me anywhere other than fatter. It’s a shit motivator for me and for a lot of people. I focus on how much more I can walk and lift, how

I have been to the gym and I have been fat shamed. I’ve also been fat shamed while out walking and once while buying new walking shoes for a 5k.  I’ve spent my life being fat shamed. I’ve also been to come off of high blood pressure meds through diet and exercise with a personal trainer. I’m currently restarting my

Being unhealthy in general raises health care costs. The thin person who assumes that they are healthy because of their weight, ends up with malignant high blood pressure due to a poor diet and lands on dialysis is likely going to cost more than the fat person who goes to the gym and eats well. I would never say that

Because, unfortunately, she is the celebrity face of the movie. No one cares what a faceless ad company or a faceless director have to say. She’s the big name and the one who is likely to face the most criticism. Note that Tess Holliday didn’t tweet at any of the actual people behind the ad or the film. She doesn’t

Because, unfortunately, she is the celebrity face of the movie. No one cares what a faceless ad company or a faceless director have to say. She’s the big name and the one who is likely to face the most criticism. Note that Tess Holliday didn’t tweet at any of the actual people behind the ad or the film. She doesn’t

Because shaming is totally effective and has 100% eliminated smoking. If shaming is what works for you, fine. Use it for motivation. But it’s not effective for everybody and is mostly just an excuse for people to shit on someone that offends their sensibilities simply by existing. It’s a way for the shamer to put

Because shaming is totally effective and has 100% eliminated smoking. If shaming is what works for you, fine. Use it for motivation. But it’s not effective for everybody and is mostly just an excuse for people to shit on someone that offends their sensibilities simply by existing. It’s a way for the shamer to put