
Ideally tax payers shouldn’t have been responsible for financing these private diploma mills at all. These places never should have been able to utilize federal student loan programs.

It feels like going after PBS has been an obsession for the past 15 years. It makes no sense logically. PBS funding is minuscule, it provides a beneficial service, and it’s fairly innocuous. I see the hate that conservatives have for PBS as more of their anti-intellectualism, anti-multiculturalism, anti-poor platform.

I get where you’re coming from but I think people use Sesame Street because it’s universally recognizable. It’s been part of people’s childhoods since 1969. People know Big Bird, Bert and Ernie, and (bleh) Elmo even if they don’t actually watch the show. Using Sesame Street makes sense: it’s for the kids and people

Please don’t give her even half a pass with the ‘she doesn’t believe what she’s saying’ thing. It doesn’t matter She’s a fully grown adult who makes a living spouting bullshit and being the cool girl anti-feminist. If she is secretly liberal then she lacks any sense of integrity. She has been more than happy to say

So true. Sadly lots of cool girls have to learn that lesson the hard way.

Sounds like something I would totally be into. Good on you for being so level headed and realistic. Flashy is great until it inevitably burns out.

I always hated that cover. The book is very clear about the subject matter. Putting two white women on the cover was, imho, a deliberate act to make the book more likely to sell to a larger amount of customers . Otherwise it might be labeled a ‘black’ book and some people, specifically some white people, wouldn’t pick

I had the chance to meet Bernie Wrightson several times at various comic cons. He was always very nice and didn’t mind chatting while he signed books. I have a signed copy of Cycle of the Werewolf which I treasure. He will be missed.

Richard Simmons is, in my opinion, one of the first healthy at any size fitness professionals. He made exercise fun and accessible for a lot of people and never shamed people for being fat. He honestly seemed to care and to want people to be healthier. He’s treated like a joke and, at times, he seemed to be pretty in

Me, too. We’ve never been able to get the stupid thing to stay connected. It’s fun but the lure was being able to remotely control it. I’m thinking of submitting a claim too. The fun part is going to be trying to find the purchase info since we got it at a convention.

Both. I think that Trump wants to The Man, the Alpha Wolf making decisions left and right and watching minions scurry to do his bidding. But because he thinks he so smart and pretty much only listens to sycophants and ‘advisers’ like Steve Bannon, he never listens to anyone who actually knows anything about policy,

I’m of two minds about this. On one hand, I feel for teachers. Teaching is an under appreciated, underpaid profession in this country and many teachers go above and beyond to help their students. They deserve better and have every right to strike/demonstrate especially in the face of an administration that seems

That’s all well and good but it doesn’t really help the people who had to scramble for childcare options or were forced to take off to stay home with their kids. It also doesn’t help the kids who rely on schools for meals or safety. Follow up protests aren’t really going to help pay people’s rent or utility bills. I

I’ll be at work. I didn’t feel right about using my PTO to take off from my fairly cushy office job while my other co-workers - mostly women - come in and spend 10 - 12 hours mostly on their feet providing a life sustaining treatment. I’m wearing red and won’t be shopping. I’m also donating to Planned Parenthood. Good

Offer a ride to work for someone who takes public transportation or make a meal to share. I think there’s always a bit of resentment with these types of protests because so many women legitimately don’t have the option to go on strike.

Oh I totally agree. I just tend to stuck on the fact that these people seem act like anyone who puts forth logical, realistic points about why people can’t just go get ‘better jobs’ is making excuses. I think that people like this really don’t want to fix the bottom at all. They want to know that there’s someone under

This. People really need to let go of that idea. A smartphone and the internet are basically necessities these days. You need these things to apply for jobs, apply for benefits, and to stay in touch with everyone. You definitely need those things to get an education. There are no more pay phones and landlines are

Because there’s always a mythical better job out there to these people. They refuse to acknowledge that these better jobs require education and training that costs money and time to obtain.

It’s the ‘worthy poor’ vs ‘unworthy poor’ all over again. The worthy poor are those nobly suffering, multiple part-time job working people who wear thrift store clothes, live on beans and rice, and forego all luxuries including cell phones and brand name cereal. Anyone who dares to have a smart phone, a non-rusted out

That’s pretty much all they hear. Despite all evidence to the contrary they’re convinced that these things will benefit them despite the fact that they are 1)not wealthy and 2) stand to lose the most all the way around. It’s more of that weird way of thinking that also tells them that people on Medicaid or food stamps