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    Brilliant game with fantastic characters, deep game play, amazing combat, and gobsmackingly beautiful visuals. Just...uh... don’t play it around your partner and/or family... unless you want to explain why there’s a dude in his underwear making pelvic thrusts at you ;-) Never change, Mr. Libido. Never change.

    That’s some Yakuza 0 level uncomfortableness right there...

    This looks like the set of The Belko Experiment 2... and yet, I can’t deny the awesomeness.

    Not weird at all... I’m utterly exhausted by TWD’s terrible writing of late. And, yes, I crushed on Trash pretty hard back then XD

    Bloody hell, these are impressive... that Sister of Battle <3

    That’s Geno Segers... you should see him in Banshee as Chayton Littlestone. One of the most intelligent, well-spoken, and brutal villains of the last decade. Which is hilarious because he’s so damned nice in RL XD

    This was pure magic. And the cinematic callouts (right down to the flying punch) reveal how much the director and cast love and respect the Uncharted games. The casting was perfection - especially love seeing Geno Segers as the heavy (his portrayal of Chayton Littlestone in Banshee was pure genius). If Sony and/or

    OldMan, I’ll be honest... WoW can be a massive time-suck, especially at the higher levels. And leveling up your professions and collecting enough materials to the point you can earn enough in-game currency would constitute most of that time, I suspect. I used to put in 15-20 hours per week (mostly raiding and

    I came to Final Fantasy VI only last year. Although I’ve been gaming since the late 70s, this masterpiece knocked me over with its brilliance. I literally thought I’d done something wrong and gotten the Bad Ending... only to be given an even deeper, darker, and more emotional ‘2nd’ game. I can’t rave enough.

    Nice article... and probably explains why 30% of my Yakuza 0 gameplay involves eating.

    So, according to this, black Haitian leaders perpetuating the concept of racist feudalism and segregation was because of white people. The reign of President ‘Papa Doc’ Duvalier, who imprisoned, tortured, and murdered tens of thousands of his own people, was perfectly understandable because of white people. The

    Karma works

    Thank god, I’m not the only one who thinks this. Throughout it, I was blown away by the visuals and numbed by the mindless gameplay. Even the narrative interactions are so cookie-cutter, I felt like I could recite the dialogue without having ever seen this.

    Most recently? The ‘Caretaker’ ending to Forgotton Anne... it’s been a couple weeks and I still tear up every time I think about it :P

    Excellent point. I’m sure if Emily had been a male character, she’d just come across as the lovable jerk. But because she’s a strong-willed woman, she’s considered the irredeemable bitch :(

    What I liked most about Until Dawn is the characters were not cookie cutter tropes, as with most stories of this nature. They’re more human... so have their foibles and ugly edges. Emily just happened to have more of them XD (Honestly, it was Ashley that I wanted to see get munched... lordy does she try your patience).

    Indeed. I had all my characters get through it, but only though pure luck (some of those QTs are ridiculous).

    I’m sure it’ll be optioned as a Hallmark Channel movie

    The precedent has been set...

    I, for one, welcome our new Giant Miniature Space Hamster overlord! (But he should still be named Boo)