
It’s nice that there are many cis guys in the thread trying to be considerate by saying, “I support women’s freedom, but I don’t want to insert myself into the discussion,” but it’s not helpful. Because they’re missing what they can do, which is insert themselves into the discussion with other men. Just as we white

Yeah. Not just you and me and my idiot friends, too, but millions of other people. NYC doesn’t have 8 million millionaires. (I’m committing the double cardinal sin of raising a kid AND owning a dog here, and somehow we’re managing on a lot, lot, lot less than $1 million a year.)

Yeah, fellow NYC’er here, and I rolled my eyes at the $2M number.

I remember it in our local mall, which, back when I was a child, had a Woolworth’s at one end, a Kmart at the other, and somewhere in the middle, along with Fashion Bug, et al, a sit-down steakhouse.  The interior of the steakhouse was completely hidden from view and I am sorry I never got to see what a mall

Ha!  Taupe and navy... that is VERY 90s.

Dress Barn and Fashion Bug are forever linked in my head.  Anyone else remember Fashion Bug?  RIP the stores I remember my mom shopping in (that’s not an insult; she actually had pretty good taste for someone who grew up poor in Central PA).

Eh, as the poem beings, “they fuck you up, your mum and dad; they don’t mean to but they do.” But I also believe that in the end, most of our parents did the best they could and if they could’ve done better they would’ve. My mom grew up poor, my dad upper middle class, and so they came from very different

And I respectfully disagree. It’s fine to tell your kids they’re wonderful and to try to protect them from really bad things; that’s good parenting. You want your kids to know you’re always in their corner. Bad parenting is protecting them from the consequences of their bad actions.

And I imagine your tone was much kinder when you told them to get off your lawn, no?

I knew plenty of my cohort who behaved poorly at their jobs. I was trained by a friend at a fast food restaurant and the first thing she told me was, “The point of this job is to waste time until break.” That was during the Reagan administration.  It’s not kids these days- we did it too.  You may not have (I

And did you find a corresponding rise in affection for the shenanigans of those young rapscallions?

Boomers are awfully lucky they lived in a pre-camera phone era. I mean, reel-to-reel recorders weren’t very portable.

You hit a lot of the problems I’ve had with this season- it’s not that I object to the plot points D & D set out to hit; it’s that they were so LAZY with how they connected them. They could have gotten to the same place with Daenerys had they been willing to take the time- it’s been well established that she’s a

I think each generation, at some point, gingerly stands up from its chair, looks at the generation that has followed, realizes the younger generation’s knees don’t hurt, and gets really angry about that fact.

Having worked retail, it’s an exhausting job, and presenting a smiling face to customers who can be absolutely AWFUL really wears you down. Cashiers can have bad days, like anyone else. Fortunately, not having a cashier treat me like a valued customer doesn’t do anything to the rest of my life. I’ll take a grumpy

“What’s the Matter With Gen-X?” Oh, do I remember some of those pieces.

Eh, “no problem” is basically how “you’re welcome” translates in plenty of European languages. They’re just being continental.

Oh god, so much this. I have friends who indignantly complain about “kids these days” and “I never would have gotten away with this kind of behavior,” and I’m all, “Dude, you totally got away with the exact same thing. I’ve known you for 30 years. I WAS THERE.”

Republicans don’t care. Republicans will continue to be able to send their mistresses out-of-state, or out-of-country if necessary, to get safe abortions.

Now playing

I know it’s intended as humor, but getting rid of video replay in horse racing will result in more dead horses and some dead jockeys, too. Jockeys, like any other athlete, will cheat if they think they can get away with it. But in a sport that consists of small people riding large animals at 35 miles an hour,