Newt didn’t step down due to impeachment. He stepped down due to his own scandal. And the GOP maintained control of the House. Overall the GOP candidates got more of the popular vote than the Democrats in 2000.
Newt didn’t step down due to impeachment. He stepped down due to his own scandal. And the GOP maintained control of the House. Overall the GOP candidates got more of the popular vote than the Democrats in 2000.
I don’t disagree with you a bit about the need to continue investigating; the problem seems to be people think the situation we are in is “impeach” and “ignore Trump and focus on health care.” I don’t think impeachment is off the table, and, in fact, Pelosi has said it’s not off the table. The advantage with…
Except that when Clinton was impeached, it absolutely hurt the Democrats. In 2000, the GOP got the House, the Senate and the Presidency. And yes, I know they got the WH due to the USSC (hi, Sandra Day “I wanted a conservative in the White House” O’ Connor! I see you!), but it should never have been close enough to…
I agree. I had friends who had trouble breastfeeding and the torture they put themselves through coming to accept they needed to formula feed was amazing. I hate what society does to new mothers.
What’s really, astoundingly stupid about that one comment you got is that it’s well established fact that formula-fed babies gain weight faster than breast-fed babies. I breast fed (on demand exclusively for six months, then with food supplemented for another 7 months) and mine was a skinny little thing; I think I…
I love that you did that. I will say, my lingering ability to do a 3-ball cascade is a fine way to impress my son’s friends, at least for another couple of years (he’s 8).
It’s... really hard for me to picture anyone but Sherman Hemsley playing George Jefferson. No criticism of Jamie Foxx, but Sherman Hemsley’s George Jefferson was one of the great, great sitcom characters.
History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes. We’re in the midst of a counterrevolution and it fucking sucks. I spent Saturday watching Henry Louis Gate’s 4-parter on Reconstruction (highly recommend) and it was a big reminder that the swing-back periods are terrible. African Americans had more rights in the 1870s than…
It’s fascinating to me, how many right-wingers get all indignant about defending their “integrity and reputation” when they say terrible things. I knew one on FB (an ex, full disclosure) who would say awful, bigoted shit, and when he’d get called out, get all huffy that his “character” was being attacked. No, dipshit…
1. Gore should have won handily. I agree that the USSC stole the election from him (thanks, Sandra Day “I really wanted a conservative in the White House” O’Connor!), but it shouldn’t even have been close.
Truth. Principles are all well and good until it comes to the wallet.
“Since the mandatory vaccination order—which required parents in defiance to pay up to a $1000 fine—was issued on April 9, an estimated 500 previously unvaccinated children between the ages of one and 5 received the MMR vaccine.”
I taught myself how to juggle. And Dungeon Mastered an entire summer-long campaign so as to lure him to my house to play with me and my brothers. I’m so embarrassed now. Though my brothers still speak with great reverence of that summer-long D&D campaign.
Oh my God, I had a crush on one of those guys, too! So I read ALL of Atlas Shrugged (including John Galt’s interminable 80+ page monologue) and The Fountainhead, too. And We The Living. And Anthem. And an embarrassing amount of her non-fiction. And then the first major biography of her, in which I learned that…
I saw My Super Ex-Girlfriend in the theater, and it is TERRIBLE. Just thinking about it is making my face scrunch up.
This article... made me feel a little less alone in the world. Team bruxism!
Sounds like the GOP are anticipating a Democrat in the White House come 2021 and are acting early to hamstring her.
What with all the stroking of Bernie on the GMP pages (and make no mistake, that’s what this article is doing, too, as the white guy who couldn’t win the Democratic primary in 2016 is running again, but that’s okay), I start to wonder if there are rubles coming into the GMG writers’ paychecks. It’s getting ridiculous.…