Lmao I love how the comments on like 60% of Jez articles these days are just commentators rightfully putting shame on authors names. This site is fueled entirely by hate-reads and Jez is leaning into that haaaaard
Lmao I love how the comments on like 60% of Jez articles these days are just commentators rightfully putting shame on authors names. This site is fueled entirely by hate-reads and Jez is leaning into that haaaaard
My cold Xennial heart is ever so slightly envious of the younger generations who are seemingly taught to embrace their feelings, express themselves, and be authentic.
Jezebel’s insane hatred of this man continues, thankfully no one who isn’t being paid for it agrees
I’ve long felt the most notable thing about Sanderson is his fanbase’s rabidity.
Tina Fey once declared her the worst host she ever had to work with on SNL, saying she was “the biggest piece of shit. She’s so dumb and so proud of how dumb she is.”
“I carefully and methodically cultivated a persona as a vapid child of privilege, and I am outraged that people view me as a vapid child of privilege!”
I have read and kept up with both series in manga form and I can say with absolute certainty that both anime are pretty trash. there are FAR better shonen anime to watch even just this season.
“Frankly, I can’t think of anyone more deserving of losing all of their hair by age 36.”
Frankly, I can’t think of anyone more deserving of losing all of their hair by age 36.
I’ve said this before but fuck it, it needs to be said again and again until people get the message. I will die on this hill.
Can you imagine chanting in support for a stranger to be let into a fashion show?
...because we can’t have more than one movie about teenage boys and their friendships?
Hoe so? He makes great movies.
“It’s a mistake of the genre to think that your detective is your main character,” said Johnson.
Kelly’s actions and stances are fundamentally incompatible with feminism, lest you think the movement encompasses all the shitty things women individual women choose to do, rather than being a principled ideology rooted in pro-women values.
If Paul Thomas Anderson was feuding with Timothee Chalamet because he kept disappearing from set to conduct an affair with Megan Thee Stallion and they got into a screaming match about it......yes...they would be discussing it. And if someone has the personal power to make that happen I would eat it up just as…
If Spielberg had a tendency to disappear from the set with Harry Styles, yeah, I bet we’d be discussing the hell out of it.
Rhaenyra: “Let’s have sex!’