A purity test she built for herself. A purity test she weaponizes against everyone else.
A purity test she built for herself. A purity test she weaponizes against everyone else.
They believe Israel is the key to the end-times. Christian Zionism.
If you go to matinees like I do you don’t have to worry about too many people, and if snacks bother you that much just sneak shit in. I’d rather watch it in a theater than having to hear my sister doing dishes in the kitchen while my mom keeps calling down at me to lower the volume.
Here’s my spicy take on that: People in enthusiast circles deride the Camry because they know they would be happy with one. It’s aggressively mainstream, but it’s well made, it’s plenty powerful - I mean, you can get one with 300hp now! - it’s very reliable, it’s honestly not bad to drive at all, and it’s very…
I have no dog (or whatever the closest Pokemon equivalent to a dog is, Growlith, maybe?) in this race, since I haven’t played a Pokemon game since Red/Blue, but I have to admit that when I think of a modern, 3D, open-world Pokemon game, I imagine varied biomes, and forests teaming with life. Savannahs and swamps and…
It’s best if you’re cis, herero, and male. It’s still great to be white otherwise.
When I got my kindle some years ago I filled it up with R.A. Salvatore books I got off the back of an internet truck: all thirty or forty-odd books in his sprawling series and eagerly dove in, eager to see how well they held-up from my youth.
I gave up after managing to claw my way through the Crystal Shard - because…
For many, he was an example of what more equitable storytelling might look like, a model for how to create compelling women protagonists who were also very, very fun to watch.
Maybe. Went to. William Shatner. School. Of. Acting.
Sentence. Fragments. Are all the. Rage among 35. Year-old. Women.
“What Joss. Did. The last. Comment I will make on this. Was. There was a rule. Saying. He’s not allowed in a room alone with Michelle again.”
I'm sure Mr. Hamada is devastated
Welcome, welcome to the drawer
Of course she was petite by today’s standards, she lived over 2,000 years ago and came from a long line of inbreeding. Her first husband was her brother. Inbreeding is inbreeding, regardless of ethnicity, so we probably shouldn’t get too fixated on physical features or else Steve Buscemi would probably be the better…
Along with 53% of White Women that voted for Trump and are now bleating about oppression.
The nerve of you white women! Listen, I don’t want to speak ill of my bitches here. I dont, but let’s go back in history here, OK? You guys stood by us toxic white males through centuries of our crimes against humanity. You rolled around in the blood money, and occasionally, when you wanted to sneak off and hook up…
I was a iffy on that whole bit until the “sit down next to me and take your talking to,” which is a really good capper. Burr is an asshole or whatever, he was decently clever in that monologue about using “wokeness” for comedic value without dipping too heavily into lazy “Don’t you hate the PC police!” tropes (which…
All the liberal white women that were on Twitter labeling this bit “misogynist”...yikes.
Motherfucker, quite obviously, refers to someone who has sex with *their own* mother.
I’m questioning whether you know what ‘objectively’ means or not.