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The fact that he does Pacino’s lines word-for-word is what makes it so perfect. 

Gosh, I’d argue the talking koala who worked for the CIA was pretty fucking dumb.

The visual gags in that one are hilarious. The limo rolling through the bathroom is never not funny.

One of my favorite Roger episodes is when he becomes a limo driver. “Too late Steve I cant stop now I have the blood lust”

I still think the best episode they did with Roger was when part of him became Jimmy Stewart-like and he was horrified by the actions of real Roger and then had to realize that he’s not real. That was actually heartbreaking.

To be absolutely fair, Seth voices Roger and Stan (and possibly others), and he does fantastic work.

If you haven’t seen AD because of Seth MacFarlane, please do. Like this article states, he hasn’t been involved in ages and the absurd episodes are all gems, like “Rabbit Ears" from a couple of years ago.

Having just seen it for the first time (Showtime!) the only serious plot thing that got me was that, in one scene, Wesley’s guys set fire to Red’s store, and there’s a whole thing about “can you prove it? who would testify”, which, ok, but the very next scene is Wesley’s guy getting into a monster truck and, in front

“I’m not sure he even wanted me in the movie.”

The turning of “This is Sparta” into the first line of the chorus was my favorite part

Including a non-human Pixar character was a mistake. That one was the worst (Winslet a close second).

What if she had... (Shudder) her hair in a bun?

If she’s in paint covered overalls (with pigtails, ideally) she’d be lovable, but only as a tomboy little sister.

Absolutely repulsive then!!  Especially if her family was slightly lower middle class then everyone else

I’ll stick up for that movie.  It’s great Trek.

Undiscovered Country is pretty good.

I don’t even rewatch the Robert California episodes because his character just does not belong. And is creepy. And James Spader has admitted he was just on the show for the money and the show runners/writers have admitted he never clicked.

Awww, no Iron Maiden edits like the Queen? Or maybe this was real?

You’d think the biggest disappointment in this story would be Voight, but instead it’s Dean Cain.