Oh yay. Another article on Dante's Inferno.
@Yossarian: ATVI doesn't pay you to gush on Kotaku. Get back to work.
@BigWyrm: Way below your standards, eh?
@Crash McCloud: Bwahahaha! You're so cute. Can I pinch your cheek, little fellar?
What a creative way to mask a bribe. Burning the check was a great answer to yet another thinly-veiled grab at attention.
@Fadecy: Rival Schools for PSN/XBLA PLZ: When it's normal to cry during sex, I can see why.
@JGab: You say harassment, and I say harassment.
@ovid: Agreed. We need more of them, they'll be a blast to sing.. especially in a bar.
It is Castle Wolfenstein. The courtyard shots at 00:14 and 00:30 are perfect match-ups of a courtyard in RTCW's castle, albeit with prettier artwork.
@excel_excel: Sounds as if they didn't even playtest it at all. A fatal flaw in designing a game's difficulty.
I can't wait to finally kill Mental.
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: So the lesson is: Never even bother trying.
Daggerfall is one of the biggest games i've ever encountered. Thousands of towns, tens of thousands of dungeons — dungeons so damn vast that you could get lost and NEVER find your way out again, and of such quantity that many were never even tested or played by the designers themselves.
The End is Nigh'er?
I used to enjoy trolling DoTA servers in Warcraft 3. It originated with attempting to play DoTA legitimately, but it was quickly obvious that there were a bunch of douchebag snobs populating that mod.
@Wahrheit: Such as Pork, Pork, Pork?
@-[[CHoZO]]-: A rose by any other name...
@DrunkenTrom: Post was too long. Didn't read.
@ShaSt One: You got two fairly quickly. Well done?