Jeffro Tull

a great article about a hot topic posted on 5pm on a saturday gets 16 comments. this new website format is hot garbage. 

Nascar has always been home to closeted bigots

I count myself lucky that the first time I ever heard of QAnon was about a week ago, when I matched with one of their lot on Tinder. She never came right out and said she was QAnon, but it was a fairly obvious conclusion for me to draw (from my subsequent online research) based on our conversation:

You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, “as greedy as a pig”.

A lifetime ago, I worked adjacent to baseball, and had a fan foaming at the mouth complaining to me that a baseball player hadn’t removed his hat during a song showing appreciation for America, and that player should be removed from baseball, etc, etc. I pointed out that a) it wasn’t even the National Anthem, it was

Nothing in this very sad schadenfreude genre will ever, to me, be funnier than Paul Ryan’s favorite band being Rage Against the Machine.

We can still point and laugh.

It would be really nice if outlets did not try to “both sides” this one. Republicans deliberately tabled this bill in bad faith knowing Dems could never accept it. Mitch McConnell admitted this himself. Dems wanted 1.3 trillion, GOP countered with 300 billion. That is not a compromise, that is an insult. Also the bill

If that ever happened, this is the only acceptable response:

Even if she did everything she’s accused of, and more, she’s still more qualified than Trump to serve.

It’s not like she gave him $200K in hush money after a raw-dogging session while his wife was in the hospital recovering from childbirth...

Ashley, did you read Woodward’s defense? He was Chad from your women’s studies class.


Please submit your resume. 

Any evidence that starts with “one time...” can be dismissed out of hand. I’ve done a lot of medical QA/QI and I can not tell you how many thousands of times I’ve heard a doctor say some variant of “you can’t hold me to that standard because one time I had a patient...” OK. What about the other 999 times this would

No lives matter to these bitch ass gangers in blue. If you’re so fucking scared; find another job. This isn’t for you.

I wish I could just resign after murdering someone at work.
