
I thought the episode started out strong with the "Hot Cosby" joke and the principal pointing out how the show seems out of place in PC 2015.

I think the show is great and they've secured me as viewer for pretty much the entire show's run. As long as I continue to skip the celebrities and musical performances I'm not interested in then I can't see myself having any complaints. Just hope they keep Colbert on his desk instead of trying to shoehorn in

It shouldn't surprise anyone that South Park offends people on the extreme ends of American politics. I hope Matt & Trey stay independent. We have enough liberal mouth pieces on TV.


Yeah i'm not happy about the comparison to critical darling Rick and Morty too. Bojack Horseman is only watchable on the scale of quality of animated series.

That has to be one of the least popular opinions ever. It's hard to imagine someone that's willing to try out an Adult Swim cartoon having such a negative opinion about Rick and Morty.

God I want to be Seth Rogen. I want to smoke weed all day and make blockbuster movies too. Sigh anyway keep on doing the lords work Mr. Rogen.

Every character on this show that wasn't the two leads was terrible. I'm sure Stephnie Weir is almost single-handedly to blame for this show's dismal failure.

I want to like Adam Sandler because of all the Liberal hate for him but I can't stand that even he doesn't like his movies anymore (on top of them now being unwatchable). Why is he bothering to half ass cash grab films? He doesn't need the money. What is his motivation to keep taking funds that could have been used by

I'm a WWE fan but I've just out-grown the shows. Feel like there's really not much to see once you learn that everything is scripted and notice the repeating story-line patterns.

Market Research says my character isn't well liked amongst fans so WWE has decided to turn me into a villain. The main event is gonna end with my Diva wife hitting you with a steel chair while the referee is knocked out and me winning the title. Didn't you get the e-mail?

Well then I guess I'll see you when we interrupt each other's filler matches for the next few weeks until we settle this once and for all at the nearest PPV event.

I didn't mean it like that though. I used to enjoy WWE a lot as a young boy and it's entertaining today to watch it with people who still have that level of excitement for it. The conversations about it a big part of the experience and they're usually more worth the time if the other person is taking the show

I wish I was a lowest common denominator. It'd be much easier to find things to watch.

WWE is for kids and people with kids to watch it with. If your one of those then it can be really fun, for a while anyway.

Is it even possible to write a completely realistic zombie apocalypse scenario? Like aren't there a near-infinite number of factors to consider?

I didn't even like Man of Steel but I hope BvS succeeds so people can stop blaming the Nolan inspired gritty atmosphere for bad movies.

Half an upvote for everything but the Vince Vaughn comment.

They had atleast 2 direct to video sequels and the Timon and Pumbaa show. I think the third sequel Lion King 1 & 1/2 was the last VHS tape I ever saw. I remember borrowing a VHS machine to watch it.

Emma Roberts, The Chris Brown of actors. Domestic violence aside, I like her and I would watch her show if it wasn't a horror.