
I found the alternating level of stakes jarring in this episode. One scene it looks like the administration is screwed the next it looks like the hearing isn't that big of a deal. I was taken aback by this A, weak episode for me even though it really shouldn't have been.

I didn't really think the hearing concept was worth a whole episode either.

Hey I'm a fan of the old Ben 10 who's in college and I don't really care about this reboot. Hell I thought all these new Ben 10 shows WERE reboots. Even Omniverse isn't a reboot? He looks younger than the original show.

Why would basement dwelling bronies care about this issue? I think it's mostly stay at home moms and social media liberals. They're all just here because the show is massively popular and they need something with exposure to rage against.

I was with you until "basement-dwelling, suburban misfires." Really basement dwelling?

They're quite a few princesses on this show but yes I'm sorry for not marking the spoiler..

The feeling's mutual trust me. I mean I don't know shit about you but if you agree with this prude then you can piss off too.

I never had any argument with you or the multiple accounts your using to spread hate on this show. I just asked what's up with that and expressed disagreement.

I didn't think the CGI was that bad. It was noticeable but still miles ahead of any other TV CGI. Comparing it to scenes in 200+ million dollar movies is kind of unfair.

You should do the same if your so heavily affected by an off screen death after watching 48 episodes of Game Of Thrones.

Okay I guess were done here.

Familiar enough with Network procedural directorial choices yeah.

Is there a human being that wouldn't? …Well you know what I mean.

And Renly would've been a cool King. Still sad that he died before he could have a threesome with Margery and Loras.

Please take some people with similar sensibilities with you. At this rate by Season 10 half the show's viewership will understand the shows brutal nature.

I don't know who that is and I disagree with the hatred you've been spewing against this show. What are you employed by Showtime or something?

Yeah were breaking all the rules here. Were the ones being edgy by not being shocked/offended by a violence/murder plot twist in the 49th episode of Game Of Thrones.

Yes let's hope Stannis sacrifice was for nothing and he and his men all die slowly. Justice right?

Don't you know, Sexual violence and brutality don't matter if they aren't happening to major characters people care about. Most of the shit people complained about this season was depicted off screen SVU style anyway. Didn't help.

This is what happens when a show gets too popular. People who shouldn't be watching feel the need to watch to fit in. I just hope all this pointless whining doesn't encourage the show runners to censor themselves. Seriously you guys are the worst, go watch a fucking a cop procedural.