
If you consider Miura to be the very first supercar. Front engine is a compromise for practicality. That’s just not very super. 

Plurality Representation. That’s what I’ve come back to over and over again when going through American and British news. Not just on the lowest first past the post local elections level, but that attitude permeates the whole political system. Or not just system, the whole way people conceive politics. Reds vs Blues.

Your command of English language makes me kinda believe that you are indeed an american and just ignorant of European Union and everything else, even while your views make my Russian troll sense tingle.

I still think the best way is to teach your kids about the dangers online and that they can come to you with anything scary or problematic without judgement, but also trust them enough not to police every single thing they do online. If you try that with a smart kid they’ll do whatever they want behind your back and

My high school history teacher’s friend got a stroke in Hawaii. Didn’t have travel insurance. Taught us that our system is worth voting for. 

Simo lived to the good old age of 96 years. Turns out you can hunt perfectly fine without half of your face.

I’m finnish and I can understand healthcare costing lots of dollars when it’s not supported through taxation, but the whole credit rating thing is totally alien and illogical to me. Like you need to use credit cards or you can’t get a car loan?

Ever taken a look at our military? We had bilateral trade with Soviet Union so for every Lada sold here soviets had to buy something from us, like icebreakers and consumer goods. It worked out quite well for our economy, and even if Ladas aren’t the nicest cars at least they were cheap and fairly reliable if

By “Leaders” I assume you mean commissioners and they are nominated and voted in by prime ministers, presidents, chancellors and other heads of state who sit in the European Council. The commission also can be fired by the European Parliament. Compared to most comparable institutions EU is very open and accountable

But EU has been cool with UK leaving. Sad about it, but accepting it. Problem is that UK wants to keep using EU’s cars, internet, Netflix accounts and so on, to keep free movement on one EU border without any legal framework while absolutely keeping other europeans out. To keep doing their laundry in EU’s washing

EU has been extremely accommodating towards UK this whole time, it is absolute horseshit that they in any way have tried to make things difficult or punish UK for the referendum. The problem is that membership has been so beneficial to UK for all these years that leaving is going to hurt them no matter what.

“Not letting UK leave”? Absolute horseshit, EU has been extremely accommodating the whole time. No deal is UK leaving, everything on top of that in May’s deal was EU trying their best to make it as painless to UK as possible. EU didn’t want the backstop the extend to the whole UK but were willing to accept it even if i

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How bad is the mormon opioid epidemic? Some of the stories read like completely abstaining people who don’t even touch coffee or tea just go crazy for hard drugs when doctors write them a prescription. Makes sense that if you follow stupid rules you fall really hard for loopholes.

I’m still forming my opinion on it, early on I found the experience frustrating and unsatisfying the same way I find this kind of storytelling most times, but then it started to grow on me.

It’s Charlie Brooker, of course he’s clever enough to do that. 

Early tanks barely moved and had piss poor weaponry, but they are still tanks aren’t they? Joke’s on you when Japan takes over the world with mobile suits they’ve been developing out in the open.

Is there a substantial difference between a Gundam statue that moves and, you know, a Gundam? Anyways, can’t wait for Bandai to start pushing 1:1 model kits.

Please tell me there’s enough room in that z600 trunk for a Motocompo.. 

What I imagine would materialize if Colin Furze and Elon Musk ever met.