Thanks for reminding me I haven’t listened Two Nuns and a Pack Mule in a while.
Thanks for reminding me I haven’t listened Two Nuns and a Pack Mule in a while.
Noita is just the finnish word for witch in case anyone was wondering. Looks pretty damn dope, they say you can create your own spells too, if there’s enough freedom in that this game will suck hundreds of hours out of my life.
One of Aegon’s dragons Meraxes was killed with a ballista along with Queen Rhaenys during the first Dornish War, so it’s not such a bad idea and to Qyburn’s credit it looked a fair bit more powerful than a regular ballista. Torrhen Stark’s brother Brandon Snow offered to try assassinating the dragons with weirwood…
She did, but most red priests and priestesses aren’t quite as horrible cunts as Melisandre is. I might hate her more than Joffrey or Ramsay on the show after she had Shireen burned.
Suomalainen ja venäläinen kisailemassa mainittu, eikä kukaan ole vitsaillut saunomisesta.
FINN. Fishes have fins, Finland has Finns.
FINN. Fishes have fins, Finland has Finns.
FINN. Fishes have fins, Finland has Finns. There’s anal fins, and then there’s anal Finns.
I can’t even be hating, this looks like it was insanely cheap to shoot since it mostly takes place in the elevator and whatever control room Whoopi is in, but you know there’s enough idiots out there for this to make some nice paper.
I mean, celebrating 9/11 kinda makes sense if you hate New York.
No it doesn’t. Just because the stuff is from two billion year old alien probe doesn’t make what they did with it any less heinous. Maybe you don’t care for the show or the books, but that was always what they were going to be about, humanity’s first interstellar steps and all the political, cultural etc ramifications…
The roma are complex and diverse set of people and each community is very different. Over here they have backwards customs that mostly affect their own people, members of family X can’t move anywhere near family Y because some feud over something thirty years go etc, violence against women, anti-education attitude out…
Worlds at status quo don’t make for all that interesting reading material. I love the way the gate causes all kinds of reactions in all the factions and puts the whole system in a very much man-made disarray. Thousand new earths totally drops the bottom from the martian terraforming plans and then you get all kinds of…
He is a total Bond -villain.
In Expanse the alien stuff keeps influencing the human side of things throughout the books and the mystery behind it keeps going to the next exponent and then to the next exponent after that. You go from just the protomolecule to the aliens who created it and then to the other aliens who wiped out those aliens.
I would seriously be mad if they left Peaches out. It’s not just that she has important stuff to do that moves on the plot, but she has such a great arch herself, going from rich daddy’s favorite to homicidal terminator to apathetic inmate to some sort of slow redemption. And she and Amos are something really special.
Most likely he’s Ashford, but I visioned him a bit younger when I read the books. Younger than Bull and Fred at least.
Big things in the show appear to happen way faster than they possibly could, logistics of moving a giant army across the narrow sea would’ve taken lots of time, while getting from Meereen to Dorne or Oldtown on your own would go much faster.
Man, not that Maege Mormont isn’t awesome on her own, but Tormund just must be the father of those girls.
On one hand yes, it would be best if all the safety issues could be resolved in a smart and intelligent way. On the other hand, these are poles we are talking about here.