At the beginning of the month, Katie Couric got some heat from gamers over her one-sided, fear-mongering episode…
At the beginning of the month, Katie Couric got some heat from gamers over her one-sided, fear-mongering episode…
Seven months after the publication of an article about the troubled development cycle of his studio’s last video…
Now, I don't think Nintendo will make a smartphone, nor do I think Nintendo should ever make a smartphone. But this…
In case you just missed Nintendo's latest stream of Direct To You announcements, you can check out the full video…
Nintendo's Luigi-centric remake of New Super Marios Bros. is hitting the Wii U in two varieties this summer. Owners…
Sega and Nintendo just announced that PlayStation 2 crime saga Yakuza 1 and its sequel Yakuza 2 are headed to the…
Sonic Lost World, the next Sonic game, will launch exclusively on the Wii U and 3DS, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata…
Old school Legend of Zelda games Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons will be out on May 30th for the 3DS Virtual Console. The games will be $5.99 each but a special promotion will have them at $4.99 through June 20th.
This just spoke to my inner child. Would I eat tomato soup on the regular? No. Would I eat "Maxim Tomato Soup"? Damn straight.
Have you ever wanted to make Rydia beat herself up? No? Well you might enjoy this anyway.
This about covers it.
GTFO, the documentary about the relentless abuse female gamers suffer in online multiplayer, reached its funding target of $20,000. Shannon Sun-Higginson is the film's director.
David Cage was nervous last Saturday night. And with good reason.
The thing about healing via food items is that characters start seeming like gluttons every time you want to…
I know how to have fun playing a Mario game, a Zelda game or a Metroid game. I get Pikmin. I get Fire Emblem. Hell,…
If you're not current through Season Four of Breaking Bad, it kills me to give you a spoiler alert, because this…
Luis Tyler, a small businessman from Orangeburg, S.C., needed a creative shipping solution for acquiring 55 pounds…
You can't talk about multiplayer games without having someone lament the loss of solitary experiences, of games…
If you've got games, consoles, and peripherals gathering dust and cluttering up your minimalist entertainment…
You might think your name is normal in your family's native tongue. Maybe it is. But put it in a different language,…