
If by "maze" you mean something that takes 5 seconds to figure out by the most obvious route, then sure, we can dumb down language enough to make that title fit. The Inception title had more of a maze in it than whatever that's supposed to be up there

Dan then says that recidivism is lower for sex offenders than for any
other type of criminal, which I find exceedingly hard to believe

Dredd 3D is a good movie that's greatly enhanced by actually seeing it on a big screen in 3D. Watching it at home just doesn't have the same effect sadly enough

Isn't Maryland's state song super questionable too? I coulda swore the second verse is really racist or something

Meanwhile the Japanese don't give a fuck and still throw it all over their maps to mark graveyards. Reading a map in Japan for the first time is really interesting if you're not expecting that

At least they're getting Louisiana over Georgia

I could do that but I don't wanna

I actually saw a suggestion that a major fix for the Olympics would be to have a rotating set of 4-5 permanent sites. That way you don't need to worry about whether a city like Rio can build everything it needs from scratch, you can keep reusing most venues with only minor improvements, and it mitigates some of the

Saw both Atomic Blonde and Valerian. Both movies have their problems and their minor little success so I agree with them both being about B- movies. Honestly, Valerian might have been a bit better for me since its biggest flaw is Dane DeHaan being horribly miscast, replace him with someone convincing and the movie

Someone apparently hasn't read Identity Crisis, which, frankly I can't blame them

Its spread out over the Embassy and the Consulates; there's the official Embassy in Moscow and then Consulates in St Petersburg, Vladivostok, and Yekaterinburg

The sad part of that is someone could hack Trumps twitter, tweet out a comprehensive set of orders stating, oh, that all M-16s must now have left-ejecting chambers*, and it would be an official order from the President. Unless they could definitively prove Trump was doing something at that very moment the

What the hell was up with FJ? I mean that's one hell of a roundabout way of getting to the answer considering the category and the main hint (being on an Australia state flag) have nothing to do with each other.

I thought Hyrule Warriors did Amiibo's pretty well. Any Amiibo will get you items that can be useful, the Zelda specific Amiibo's get you unique weapons. The spinner isn't really a better weapon than any of the others, but damn if it isn't fun and worth unlocking if you can.

Well they're all being made by 18-year olds in film studies 101 who just watched 12 Angry Men or No Country for Old Men for the first time

I totally understand. Especially after playing Echoes for a while you look back at the others and see a lot of bloat in the children and paralogues system, that while nice for extending gameplay does make them drag on. Even in the Echoes dungeons when I start getting annoyed at the length you can run by enemies pretty

You actually want to get every mask as that unlocks the Fierce Deity mask which makes the final boss a joke. You were so close and you decided to go the hard way

I mean they definitely use the word 'god' in Star Trek V when arguing with the being, and in the original series they meet other wannabe gods and refer to them as such. I don't know off hand if they use "for gods sake" ever, but the word is certainly still in their minds

Star Trek takes place less than 300 years in the future, I think Discovery would be all of 250 years actually. Without a seismic event language isn't going to drop something so deeply ingrained in it so fast