
I think this skit was exposing the anti human bigotry in the iguana community. Sure there's that guy at every parade with one on his shoulder, but that's 1 ok iguana out of how many iguanas? And how do we even know it's not some Ratatouille situation, has anyone ever talked to the iguana guy!?

This was shockingly sweet and really managed to tug on the heartstrings. And not just because I’m certain that that Iguana is certainly going to rip out someone’s heart. I mean just look in to those dark God-forsaken eyes.

I think “we can’t change the animations; just the camera”, should give a good indication of how difficult it is. If the content was cut any time in development before it was 100% ready, I’m not really sure it’d be feasible to put back in.

while others try to tease out how this all ends without them losing a bunch of money.

Poor WSB. They were, like, halfway there when it came to understanding why Wall Street is a rigged system that fucks over anyone who isn’t a billionaire, but then they decided that the solution was to suck up to other billionaires who weren’t actively fucking them over specifically at that moment.

"Actually it's about ethics in short-selling." - WSB

Am... am I meant to be surprised they turned on each other like feral dogs the moment the “lulz” moment was over?

I fear you may be wrong.

I remember one time talking to a former co-worker about how i wanted to make games someday and one of the things he said was “and once you get big enough you can put your company on the stock market”. My response was “why would i want to let people who had nothing to do with making my company or games control and make

The stock market is basically people pretending blackjack is economically responsible.

...and how crazy it is to expect to live off retirement savings invested in this casino.

Once again illustrating how completely meaningless “Wallstreet” and “Stockmarket” measurements are.

Don’t be an immense idiot.

I hope this becomes the moment that finally galvanizes game devs to unionize. Burn CDPR to the ground and salt the ashes. Let the devs find success somewhere that won’t treat them like shit.

Are you playing with the “nudity censor” on? I am, so I assumed this was what was reducing my dildo-density. I do know the nudity censor affects more than just the sex scenes: at Dicky Twisters the male strippers are all pole-dancing in smart casual. Which, not being gay, at the time I assumed was just some kind of

putting aside how weirdly turbo angry you are about a guy not enthused about cyberpunk, it is weird to say twitch isn’t ‘tangentially related to video games’ because it is literally a huge space for games, and a way people experience or interact with games, share games, talk about games, it is a space that developers

My daughter and son, ages 7 and 3 can’t stop STEALING my PS5 from me to play this game. My wife said, “Well, maybe you shouldn’t have shown it to them and just played Demon’s Souls.” I responded, “You think I wasn’t going to play it for myself? It was inevitable.”

Remember the days when Call of Duty was actually pretty anti-war, and when one of the main villains turned out to be a US general who was actually no better, if not worst, than the other not-white villain? Yeah...