I go with the Angel view on this.
I go with the Angel view on this.
Riot’s answer was pretty good though?
Been a while since I’ve played a good traitor game. The only thing is I know I have a bad poker face and people that know me know that I’m normally risk averse and act accordingly.
They finally figured out that the armored bikini goes UNDER the clothes.
Mike Vick shouldn’t be a consultant for toy companies.
Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a Mon?
For added realism, it’s going to stop working after new year’s.
Making the cute girl character kissing another girl is the easy and safe route.
Then a missile cruiser rolls up, we have an Outside Context Problem, and Iain M. Banks farts in his grave.
Honestly, as someone who likes to paint miniatures, this looks worth it for that alone. Those are remarkably detailed and look like they’d be a blast
As an owner of the original and backer of this kickstarter, I’d say its one of the more unique offerings around. The flavor of the game (minis, setting, mechanics that match narrative etc) is top notch. The issue is that the game is just mechanically not for everyone and has quite a few short comings (excessive…
Hold on, you’re insinuating that you don’t like the game, but you went ahead and bought all of the expansions for it regardless. What is wrong with you?
What... what the hell? Leonard Cohen is dead, Trump is in the White House, and now Splash is actually USEFUL?
no, you’re a hero and also guilty of assault.
Oh, sure, but I punch Cliff Bleszinski in his tremendously punchable face, and I’m the asshole.
Considering the leap I’ve seen so far between Endless Space 1 & 2, the jump between Endless Legend 1 & 2 is something i am very fucking excited for.
Let’s hope he falls asleep and thick brambles sprout up and cover Trump Tower. Birds and squirrels can nest in them, ii’d be an interesting ecosystem
OMG. That’s what’s behind the hair. He’s growing it so he can let it down out of a window and someone can climb up it.