I want to believe in the Origen Dream.
I want to believe in the Origen Dream.
There is nothing that makes me smile quite like watching a man-child throw a temper tantrum.
Isn’t that Tomb Raider and Fallout? Most packed day in gaming history.
What? My comics have been awesome. It's my movie that sucks. Do they remember that you pioneered a genre? No. Do they remember that you're stories were good? No! Make one bad movie... (I'm referencing an old joke, not trying to be pissy.)
Thanks for sharing. It is nice to know that despite all the crap you're going through, you've managed to find some happiness.
Honest question; have they started making real Gwent decks yet?
This article didn’t turn out to be nearly as dark as my initial thoughts lead me to believe.
That’s still better than any Sonic game that’s come out over the past few years.
I want a good phone, though.
Just had to pop in and say Crispin Freeman doesn’t get enough roles :)
Highlight Reel can’t melt steel beams.
I feel like lots of my problems would just be solved if I had a tape called “Bill Nye swearing” that I could listen to on the way to work, add to my running playlist, fall asleep to...
I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s still the prettiest game out right now. And people are mad because it could have been more? Good lord, there is no satisfying the elitist, spoiled “PC Master Race” is there? Whoever complains about how this game looks need to remember that without console support, this game…
All male Kangaroos look like this!
So, star power is the sum of whether or not an actor is worthy to step into a character’s shoes? Directorial assessment of acting ability and appropriate characterization don’t rate in your equation Uh-huh. Got it.
You’re the only one who sees custom skins, yes. Part of the reason Riot allows them.
I have never heard anyone in league die for any reason other than lag. I am the only person who has ever been outplayed it seems.
He is SO silly walking, Chris. This is not a bug, it’s an easter egg! :D
I can’t seem to decide what particular flavor of killjoy/shitbird/asshat you are. Like, what’s the cause of your, seemingly unwarranted, shitting all over professional cosplayers? (or apparently any higher quality cosplayer in general)?