
"What are you gonna do tonight, Stef?"

I'm suddenly reminded of Armor. No, not Starship Troopers. Armor.

Good ol' integer underflow. Anticipating this was mercilessly beat into my head in my CS courses in both high school and university.

Your comment reminded me of the Cave Johnson line " I'll be honest, we're just throwing science at the wall here to see what sticks. No idea what it'll do"

There should be a Mario Kart mode where the only item available are the blue shells. People then would curse so much even LoL players would be offended by it.

That is good. If you don't pay attention, are impatient or refuse to vary your tactics the missions should punish you.

If it was a bug it was one I've never heard of. I also know that you can be attacked by everyone in this mission if you choose the wrong dialog options with certain guests (it's fairly obvious they

But you didn't read the article to discover what the author's points where, or whether he had similar faults with the level as you did. So yes, it was the mission you had issue with, but why comment? Especially after going out of your way to say that you didn't even bother to read the article?

Why comment if you didn't read it?



Yes. And I'm sorry, but also I'm not sorry.

Yes, I think there is. Most importantly I must note that Game of Thrones' showrunners have yet to outright say that Arianne has been written out of the season. And who knows? Even if she's six feet under, dead as a Dorne nail for all intents and purposes right now, no one has said she can't appear in a later season.

The Wind went about it all wrong. It should have tried a warm, gentle breeze to lull the traveler into a false sense of security, then blew an overwhelming gust all at once to rip the man's cloak away. The lesson: appear innocuous until you crush your enemies decisively.

Sadly, I predict a 100% chance that Bacon Cheddar Mac & Cheese will win. Because we're Murrica and bacon + cheese will always beat anything that's actually creative and uniquely delicious. Fuck bacon.

Basically because people look at the cappuccino and think "there's no way that would taste good"

That poor Gardevoir. You never Google yourself. EVUR.

I think you mean "Smash Bros.' newest fighter: Hitler"