
Given that they’ve yet to turn an ADC into a melee brawler.... Yes?

With LoL, they give you a few temporary champions while you’re still below a certain level. They’re all good for beginners, with fairly simple mechanics. Not a lot of subtlety to their play which means they don’t see a lot of play at higher levels, but great for beginners. If memory serves, they include Garen, Ashe,

The numbers that Riot’s shared are that their player base is steadily increasing, not falling.

Doubt it’s Urgot. Definitely Noxian/Zaun-tech, but I doubt they’d turn a quadrupedal crab-zombie with rockets into a big Bane-clone with a single steam fist. More likely it’s just a mook.

The mute function in LoL does not disable map pings, so it really is just as easy as clicking the mute button.