
I did not know the Valyria thing was so recent. Well there goes that theory....

Maybe this crew just has a bigger grant to blow through while Ripley's ship was on the crap end of the Weyland Yutani budget? I know, I know... I am grasping at straws here.

Ok, I am going to throw another one out there, and it could all be for naught depending on the correct answer to this question..

That is the type of shot where we need video to go along with it to get a good scale of things.

Yes, I agree about the cheating. I think you should only be able to count the floors if it has usable rooms. It doesn't have to be for people, but it should at least be mechanical rooms, generators, something other than a freaking pole.

I saw a local news commercial mention this during the episode of Fringe this past weekend, then when it came back on Fringe had one of their quick "over there" place swipes and you could see the Towers still standing in their world. It felt very melancholy. I am glad to see they are (finally) about to have something

I was wondering about that also. It could be a chicken and egg thing. Or at least that could be the excuse. Would be interesting to know how much of the "of age" population there uses drugs. And those numbers should include khat use too, not just opium derivatives.

Having seen Renegades, I think that is the vibe the new movie is going for. Especially how COBRA is shown as a "good" corporation and the Joes are turncoats.

I am going to have a difficult time watching the MIB3 movie without remembering Mr. Garrison on South Park.

I was honestly not expecting Mindcrime to be on the list, but HELLS yes it is a great album. One of the most shaping albums of youth. It ever so slightly edges out Rage For Order as my favorite 'ryche album.

kind of thinking the same thing...

but you can get a sweet little pet badger!

Fox I still have not forgiven you for the whole Sarah Connor business, but at least this is some good scifi news for the channel.

My cutoff is 12 hrs. Given my location I can't get anywhere without going through the damned Atlanta airport (I love Atlanta; but quite hate the airport). Combine that with the lines and I will gladly drive 12 hrs before having to get on a plane.

Yes, there are quite a few waiting for one of those (including some other commenters from what i can see).

Those are some of my annoyances with it also. Even with the 3rd party tweaks and hacks, I still can't get it to "not help me" do and remember things. OS X 10.8 is supposed to clear some of that up, but it pisses me off they advertise some of those as a "feature" of the upcoming OS, when it should not have been added

I hope "Warp Riders" makes it low in the list. Would freakin love to see a CGI short film done to the tracks on that album.

I have never been so eager to get a qtr reports call out of the way, so we can get lined up for new hardware releases. Some new Mac Pro models can't get it here soon enough.

hehehe, no sir! THIS is the piglet that fires missles!

Would be neat to see what it would look like with a Roy G. Biv +White +Grey +Black (to give all 10 numerals used).