
NPR’s attitude to sex sounds s lot like that of the Republican Party. Maybe because the Kochs own it now?

That is most definitely NOT on Cspan

The people thinking of emailing you to say “not all men” are going to do it even if you say “not all men” because they know some of what you say applies to them and they can’t stand being the subject of analysis. It’s like turning their world upside down.

My stupid dog is six years old and still thinks she can jump through the TV to get to other dogs and, when she cannot... she loses her shit.

This is awesome. I wish I hadn’t literally finished my shopping today! Saving for next year. 

“Everything is nothing” unless Hillary Clinton did it, or could have done it, or someone she knows did it. Then it’s a capital offense. 

I’m about to have my third kid and then have my tubes removed. Guess which one I’m looking forward to most...

Yup. It’s also possible that even more people don’t want to get pregnant but they can’t take birth control for other reasons. 

What a dumb reply. How many unwanted pregnancies occur because a condom “doesn’t feel as good” for one party. You know what sucks? Being pregnant. You know what else sucks? Hormonal therapy when you don’t respond well to it. Makes sex sick, too. Put on your big boy pants and stop expecting everything to be bliss.

I am pretty sure a “GODSISTER” isn’t a thing.

And he is an obvious nut job who talks to chairs.

Yep. That is a really important point!

Wow. Thanks for this. I’m just now ordering the book. These stories need to come up when we hear about the terrors of “liberal indoctrination” and the like. There has never been a program of liberal indoctrination as sophisticated and complete as the inculcation of conservative ideology, from popular fiction to

I don’t even know what to say. I still don’t know what this game is. All of my 9-year old’s friends are playing it, but he isn’t interested.

I feel the same. Some kind of revelation, but I am not sure about what, yet.

The line “Trust our President” is so nausea-inducing it’s a wonder any of these people don’t have motion sickness every time they open their mouths. What a weird cult it is they’re in.

I haven’t found anything as comfortable as Soma, for bras and underpants, and they don’t cost anything near that much.

They’ve been covering nothing but republican sparring for weeks now. It’s hard to watch. Fox, at least, has a variety of batshit programming that appeals to their weak-minded base. MSNBC is nothing but a blunt instrument these days. I know, because I have been watching it.

That was the best part!
