
You couldn’t have gone with “Watch This Car Lumber Down The Highway” for a headline?

Guess we know who’s been buying these.

I don’t see anything obscene about proclaiming to the world that you eat donkeys. It’s a little weird, maybe, but people eat all sorts of domesticated animals.

Spoiler alert, for those who didn’t google it:

Another reason not to live in NJ.

The Virus appears to have a little Bricklin inspiration.

you can avoid rush hour hell if you happen to be well off. VERY well-off.” Or if you, you know, have a couple of passengers in a car, because vehicles with multiple occupants also get to use the lanes for free.

330 hp is about what the 1971 Boss 351 Mustang was rated at.

It answers the question of “What are the absolute worst mods you can give a convertible Mustang?”

Used Ford Mustang.

Now THAT’S a Jeep pickup!  Bonus points if the roof comes off.

I’d have to get the $250 tow package, because that bed is just too short and I’d need a utility trailer for any real cargo hauling. And the hardtop would be nice.

Well, if I’m ever following a box truck that has a large TV mounted on the back, displaying an image that fools my wipers into coming on, I’ll manually turn them off. 

But for a guy who wants a small-ish pickup that he can carry a load of firewood in, this is not an improvement on my 2011 4WD Ranger. I’d like more bed, less cab.

But aren’t the plastic Honda valve ends lighter?

Yeah, but you’re probably from Shelbyville.

400!  That’s a big number! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!

Don’t you mean ... Ghosplay?

Tough old truck. You’re getting there.

Nice. Thanks for sharing this.