I think Psi is also a meta-human
I think Psi is also a meta-human
At least Maxwell Lord and General Lane have been mentioned if not shown. Seems like everyone forgot Lucy Lane existed. Even Lois Lane completely ignored her.
It is a wig. It is based on the costume in the comic books. They wanted to be comic book accurate.
In the season 2 episode “Alex” they flat out stated the DEO knows Kara Danvers is Supergirl when trying to figure out who knew her identity.
Saturn Girl and Winn will be back on the show later on this season. No word about when or if Mon-El will ever return.
You are forgetting that Lena has a device that tests for aliens and Kara tested positive for human. That was how Lena knew Rhea was a alien, the device tested negative for human in the case of Rhea. So as Supergirl is an alien and Kara tested as human, why would Lena think the alien Supergirl and the human Kara are…
In season 2 when J’onn found out Kara was dating Mon-El, J’onn ordered Kara to report to Human Relations because Kara was dating a co-worker. I think that sort of established that Kara is a DEO employee.
I think Boxleitner makes a better a-hole president than Brent Spiner would have. Spiner always seemed too nice to be a convincing heavy.
I think Psi is also a metahuman
Yeah, Kara is one of the boys, even if she is a girl.
Superman did determine Lois Lane was wearing pink panties in the Superman movie.
I think Psycho-Pirate will play a big role in the next crossover.
Kara seems to have the most chemistry with Barry. But of course he is married to Iris and on another Earth so they can’t be a couple.
Actually it makes more sense that her real hair color would be different than the color of the wig if the wig is part of the disguise. Basically the live action got right what the comic books got wrong.
The lead was supposed to be at a low enough level to not affect humans, only Daximites.
There have been several meta-humans on Supergirl. Livewire, Psi, Parasite are some that come to mind.
Just because someone is good at technical skills doesn’t mean they are good at social cues. That is the whole basis of the Sheldon Cooper character on “The Big Bang Theory” Lena is a genius when it comes to technology, but is terrible at reading people.
Just skip season 1 then. They sort of rebooted some of it anyway. You aren’t really going to miss too much diving into season 2 instead.
Based on what?
Why? Supergirl is a great character too. Why should she be held back because of Superman’s failures and the hope WB can salvage him?