
Eli’s not Jeb! He’s more of a Marvin Bush.


I pray that Eli isn’t a right winger. DONT YOU DO THAT TO ME ELI! His penchant for only showing up every 4 years or so seems to indicate a Democratic leaning, but you never know. EASY E FOR PREISDENT!


“No, no. Lying media! It’s not true that black guys have bigger crowds! That’s a myth! It just looks bigger on the screen. I’ve got a very good crowd. No one complains, trust me!”

“Where is my Deng Xiaoping?

Golf was still seen as shady, the sole provenance of the bourgeoisie

You’re not referencing my boy Deng Xioping (SP?) Are you? Because your timeline is way off. UNACCEPTABLE!

What kind of dick asks soneone with a bunch of errors about having a bad match, as evidenced by the errors? WHAT IS THIS, NAZI GERMANY!?

Oh thank god, thought the clock was up.

May I be so bold - perhaps tacos on Cinco de Mayo are also unnecessary. Margaritas? Keep those.

Get that money!

The Rock is better than Tyler Perry. Was Tyler Perry a member of the Nation of Domination? THEN HE MEANS NOTHING.

Nah son, give me my beard or give me death

So my logic ecig is probably OK, right?

What a brave, brave stand by this gaggle of do-nothing, useless losers. Democrats: Masters of the Too Little, Too Late Symbolic Gesture

Liberals cheer people losing jobs bc animals. THIS IS WHY WE LOSE, ASSHOLES.

Why would anyone want Chait anywhere?

Dems have been useless for the past 30 years.