
Will these neoliberal fucking losers just slink off to a garbage barge and just float away? You lost to a fucking Fascist circus clown, you should be pelted with literal shit everywhere you go. Fucking OBSOLETE.

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Tonigut on C-Span: At 8pm, we bring you a meeting of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, opening with a rendition of our new National Anthem:


You can tell by my turtleneck and chain that I bone.

Mariah Carey Eats Two Things, and Only Two Things

He was high. He is still high in that picture. Acid? Shrooms? I’d say weed, but unless he was vaping on the bench, that’s not likely.

Sam stood out from the start. “Born on third base,” as he says, not because his family had money but because he considers intellect, not class, to be the new driver in society.

Your version of good enough is why the country is in the shit condition it is. If neoliberalism is good enough for you, you’re the fucking problem

And let’s not forget fuck Hillary and the Clinton machine for losing against the world’s tallest oompa loompa Fascist. Because she’s the one that FUCKING LOST. It’s her fucking fault you goddamn mewling assholes.

He was jacking off. Quick mistake sesh.

Fuck Look, that capitalist swine.

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Yale was getting schwifty. Check the floor for shit.

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FUCK NO. I’d rather eat shit than have to hear her milquetoast centrist bullshit.

No way! I just jerked off in your French toast is something I hear Everytime I see French toast