Oscar 7

Johnny Football is a narcissist who was catered to his whole life by wealthy parents and influential coaches. He doesn’t love football, he loves and craves the attention that goes with football. Now, he’s a millionaire and he can surround himself with sycophants and get the attention he craves with money. He doesn’t

Or in your anus.

Hmmm. A moat, with bridges. I wonder where the bottlenecks would be if there were, say, a terrorist attack in the stadium, and people had to get out in a hurry?

Robert William Kearns

This made me laugh. I’ve often noticed the difference between my wife and myself is how she’s entranced by lyrics and I’m more about riffs and beats.


Be honest. This whole blog was just an excuse to post twenty photos of a hot black chick with nice cans.

I think your call to “self-police” would begin with not offering bullshit “the drag racing is on a desolate street” justifications. Obey the law, and people won’t hate you.

I wrote a screenplay a few years ago based on the idea that Bigfoot is the Biblical Cain who killed his brother Abel. Apparently there are some fundamentalist religions that believe this.

That polio vaccines in Africa caused the HIV virus to make the jump to humans.

Almost as hilarious as a driver telling a motorcyclist, “You’re gonna smash your head like a melon standing on your seat like that. Don’t do it!”

How dare you be all reasonable and respect the law. What will the majority of your readership think?

Ladies and gentlemen, the next OJ Simpson.

I believe it is a reference to Effie Brown, who IS a hot ghetto mess, who interjects race into everything, and who says she’s, and I quote, “making magic” so the director can “have his LITTLE stunt.” She’s also quite proud of spouting her resume and the number of feature films she’s produced, and yet a look at her

I stopped reading after you were condescending in the first paragraph, as if us white folk wouldn’t have figured out from the context what a “natural” was.