
I never saw it coming

And then don’t forget your official playing equipment:

calm down a bit.  some people don’t want to use a blade.  some people have beards

calm down a bit.  some people don’t want to use a blade.  some people have beards

If you want the closest possible shave and no facial hair, sure! The OneBlade is more of a beard trimmer/styler that can also shave though.

If you want the closest possible shave and no facial hair, sure! The OneBlade is more of a beard trimmer/styler that

Thank you SO much for turning this adorable news negative. I was afraid we might be able to just enjoy it.

This is obviously not meant or intended to really move the needle for the current generation. This has to be a set up for changing how consoles are sold when they release the next Xbox. 

Fuck, I thought you meant the band

I think you’re mistaking D.va’s gun for Tracer’s, although I’m absolutely sure that’s the next one to be announced.

You sad little fuck. I am not an enormous fan of TB but he is a massive figure in gaming and no one deserves to suffer like he did. You are and will remain nothing for your entire life.

Ya I really don’t want to be that old guy yelling at the kids but the kids are not all right. Honestly I feel like this:

Except for sometimes.

This is one of the dumbest and most inaccurate comparisons I’ve ever seen.

This is one of the dumbest and most inaccurate comparisons I’ve ever seen.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! HOT TAKE HERE! WE HAVE A HOT TAKE!

Well, ok, but if I get rid of my single serve coffee machine I’m going to need to find another physical manifestation for my crippling loneliness.

I get that you like playing games a specific way, but your crusade against HUD UI elements is frankly getting old. The lack of a minimap in AC: Origins is one of the few major strikes I have against the game. I’ll agree to the ability to toggle them on and off, but I feel like you’re just being vindictive at this

Well, this is the dumbest article I’ll bother reading today.

I always take the argument that Animal Crossing is never meant to be consumed in binge playthroughs. It is usually a game you play for a little each day. If you have friends, that increases the types of things you can do. I would say that city folk/wild world did little to really shake things up, but New Leaf was a

Just once did I have a person say to me, “What are you, gay?”

So, yeah, when your friend is throwing up and hits the shower to try to feel better, that should come off as the antithesis of an invitation to get intimate—you should be trying to help them, not hump them, for fuck’s sake.

...seriously, who does something like that, except in an attempt to do something predatory?


You’ll also want to make sure you try to minimize the chance of a broken belt popping back up by cleaning the roller brush every now and then. I had a belt break off shorlty after a friend started staying with me who had really long corse hair. The hair would get tangles up in all of the innards. The best way to get