
Frank Grimes, if I'd been slightly more prescient.

But, I must of liked some of it, or I wouldn't have watched it all.

Honestly, the end pissed me off so much, I barely remember what happened. All I can remember now is a slow-motion train-wreck.

I wish I'd stopped watching Lost when Charlie died - or maybe sometime before that.

So is Jackie's axe a D'Angelico or a Stromberg?

I had a shit-brown 1974 Olds Omega sedan. Maybe Swans could write a song about it.

I totally agree internet stranger!

In fairness, Matthew Barney - who does make museum exhibits - makes Malick look like Mack Sennet.

Knives Out! Seriously, if they hadn't come out in such close proximity, Amnesiac would get a lot more respect.

Also, "Powerhouse"

I think you're giving him way too much credit: I always thought the George Thorogood version was a lot less sophisticated. Say the key is E major: he goes to the IV (A), back to I (E), up to G major and back to E - except I always suspected he did it in an open tuning with a slide. More Muddy Waters than T-Bone



I still spend too much time fucking around on the Internet, though: an unfortunate holdover.

No shit, huh? I know I feel better about getting up in the morning, and I drive a nicer car. I will say that when I did third-party defense (it was mostly first-party stuff that finally drove me insane) I did feel - sometimes - like I was genuinely helping people. Plus, when they were irredeemable assholes, I could

Thanks. That was kind of you to say.

Dude, I'm not defending Lars Ulrich - I think he's an asshole - I'm defending musicians in general. Look, I understand that - including, but not limited to everybody - gets screwed pretty much constantly, in ways great and small. That, however, is not a justification for stealing somebody's product - be it Metallica

Hey, I agree with you! How about that!

It is OK to steal if you are poor? While I wholeheartedly believe that the declining availability of free or low-cost culture (through libraries, non-Clear Channel radio, public museums, etc., etc. etc.) is one of the great tragedies of our age, it doesn't justify theft. We aren't talking about a loaf of bread to

He may be (OK, by all reports and personal observation, is) an asshole, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day. If we want people to make music and enrich our culture, don't they deserve renumeration? I understand doing the occasional bit of free work as a loss leader (or to help someone who can't afford it),