
Naked gets a lot of shit (e.g. Jonathan Lethem), but I think it's a great album. Liked it when it came out (on transparent yellow cassette, natch!), like it now. Of course, I don't think Talking Heads made a bad album.

The Name of This Band is Talking Heads has to be in any discussion of the greatest live albums ever. The stuff from the Remain in Light tour is unbelievable.

I already knew what it looked like, oddly enough. I don't need to bite directly from Wikipedia: I actually know stuff - it's part of being a well- rounded person.

What you seem to think is "logic" is actually rhetoric. Logic doesn't depend on figures of speech - it's purely symbolic, regardless of what you may have read on the Internet.

You're really going to be unhappy when Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney die. They'll probably rank two whole weeks.

They have these things called books now. They are amazing - chock full of information, some of them.

Read again would be my suggestion. Or don't - I couldn't care less.

Although I probably should have said "begs the question,"

I'm pretty sure I do.

I meant Catherine, not Magaret. Elizabeth Woodville, Edward's queen until she was convicted of witchcraft, is the historical person who most resembles Cersei, and the wealthy Woodvilke family, which pulled a lot of weight for a while - until they all got killed - are probably the closest to the Lannisters.

Except that there isn't any analog to either Burgundy or Valois France. The omission of France is kind of important, as the Wars of the Roses were a direct consequence of the crumbling of England's control of France following the high-water mark of the Treaty of Troyes, which gave the French crown to Henry V's heir.

Robert Baratheon is pretty clearly Edward III - a vigorous usurper who declines into dissolution and dies without an adult male heir. If Cersei is Margaret of Anjou, then Robert was Henry V (and nobody in Game of Thrones is that competent) and Joffrey is Henry VII, making Jamie Owen Tudor, and begging the question of

A week is a very short period of time, particularly in which to think about and write something intelligent. If you did know him, you'd still be sitting shiva.

I thought Tin Machine was great, and it was a nice, bracing corrective for those of us whose primary exposure to Bowie came after Let's Dance. It was pretty great, but seriously overplayed, and his next two albums were fairly awful, by my lights. I thought Bowie's venture into "Branca-sonic" noise rock was the tits

Josh: I'm interested in your jury experience. What hung you up for so long? A week, in my experience (I've tried civil death cases on both sides) is an incredibly long time for a jury to be out - usually the judge will declare a mistrial - I've had a jury hang in less than 6 hours. What kind of death was it, how

Obergruppenfuhrer is SS equivalent of a U.S. Army Lt. General, or the Wehrmacht equivalent of a full General. Literally "over group leader." The SS rank names were weirdly literal, which, in German, means long

It would be right in line with Jesse Hughes' (pre-massacre) politics, though.