
If my wife were ever pulled over with all of the ammunition I’ve given her in the last ten years regarding my lack of judgment, she and Telfair would have adjoining jail cells.

When you’re a 39 percent shooter over ten seasons, you need as many options and as much ammo as possible. He’s just playing it safe.

It’s perfectly possible for PK Subban to be a piece of shit for reasons other than the color of his skin.

Now playing

The time that Cynthia Izaguirre confused being blind with being gay:

Not all of Major League twitter demeaned itself. One team focused on what really matters today.

I haven’t seen so many Celts try to take down a Wall since Hadrian..

There’s also not a single industry that unionizes in which eventually the Union represents only the Union itself and not its employees it’s supposed to represent and “protect”.

I lol’d Hamilton Nolan referred to himself, Gawkermodo, and the BuzzFeed list jockeys as “journalists”

How did having a Union work out for you guys when Denton took his golden parachute?

Yeah, thats dumb as shit.

Maybe a gun. Or maybe not. Looked like one to me...but I’ve seen enough videos to know that it’s very easy to be fooled by a video.

Of course he won! The butler keeps putting the ball back on the table in the same exact fuckin’ spot!

But is that really a capitalism thing, or just a macho douchebag thing? I doubt you’d hear anything different from your average state party boot-licker in China. The male ego knows no socioeconomic bounds.

Yea......it’s capitalism’s fault......

Well clearly, the guy with O’s starting his username has a completely objective opinion.

The issue is that the refs had already set the bar for a penalty well above throwing a little jab in a guys face. Methot did it once to Marchand, and twice to Schaller (after a whistle, no less), and got nothing. I’m not arguing that those should’ve been penalties, because they probably shouldn’t have (the refs

I find myself in agreement with you, Kumicho.

Good on you you should be offended as this is offencive. Come on women we are better than this. We keep going on about how if a woman doesn't like it, then its wrong. Well the same goes for everyone else. You can't call out every person that offends you and then turn around and call people assholes when what you do