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    Sean McIndoe is one of the most entertaining, and tragically underrated, sports writers out there. His weekly grab bag is one of the best reads out there if you’re into hockey.

    As a Bruins fan, I’m so happy he’s out of Montreal. I can finally like him, cause he’s a damn fine individual and one of the best things about the NHL right now.

    Before lunging at Belichick, he reportedly yelled “Cleveland, this is for you!”

    I am generally a believer in efficient markets, and trying to be an active investor in the public equity markets is not even a zero sum game, it’s actually a negative sum game on account of fees. But I do think alternative investments play a valuable role for diversification and asymmetrical upside potential in a

    But it was a union job, so Hamilton Nolan is happy

    Why wouldn’t they? Gay fish count as fish

    That’s also the way I describe Hamilton Nolan articles (generally along with “unmitigated garbage”)

    Job? Hah. Jobs are for suckers

    That’s why their name isn’t SNG

    Further proof that soccer is the Florida of sports

    I can attest to this. Played in my co-ed intramural hockey league quarterfinals last night. After the initial puck drop, it was business as usual.

    “Turn out the lights.”

    Anyone else shocked at Edelman’s lack of douchiness in this exchange? Seems really out of character....

    Deadpsin’s tears are so delicious right now

    Holy fuck dude, move on. Congratulations on the most incorrect uses of “straw man” ever, though. I’ve tried to point out on numerous occasions that you don’t actually understand what you’re saying, but that’s clearly a futile task. 

    Again, where did I say you said that?—I never did. Who is the one creating the straw man? My point stands: he doesn’t owe you anything. If he wants to defend his political beliefs, fine. If he doesn’t, fine. End of story. Move on.

    “People who choose to use their platform to express their political beliefs ought to be willing and able to defend them.”

    No, I’m arguing against an idiot. My point is that he doesn’t owe you shit. Your belief that he owes you an explanation for his beliefs is bullshit, and I’m explaining why. His right to express his political belief doesn’t come with the caveat “unless he’s willing to defend it” despite what you personally think.

    Please point to me where I said that you said that? I didn’t, moron.