Orson Hyde

That’s why I never got into Person of Interest despite people telling me it’s great. I don’t want the idea that constant surveillance is a good thing perpetuated. Heck, nowadays I have a hard time with the inevitable scene in police procedurals when they ‘threaten’ someone with a search warrant and the person gives

I used to be an adventurer like you until I took an arrow to the knee.

Slightly embarrassing confession time: when I moved down to LA, I lived in an area that hosted tons of movie premieres (usually a couple every week) and I made it a hobby to go to them. Among my observations about actors:

If it was just a Road Warrior rip-off it wouldn’t be as memorable. Its the fact that its starts as an Escape from New York rip-off, turns into a 28 Days Later rip-off by way of Aliens, then it becomes medieval-themed Road Warrior rip-off that makes it awesome!

Wanted is off-puttingly vile in tone. I watched it at around 13 or so, and I’m not sure I’d ever seen a movie radiate such visceral contempt for the people watching it. It took me years to be able to see James McAvoy as anything but an unbelievably smug asshole. On the other hand, there are a few cool visuals.

When Goldsmith’s It’s A Long Road played at the end, I got chills I tell you. Such a good ending scene for what was essentially a silly action film.

Yes I agree. The Rambo films actually managed to bookend well, along with the total (but entertaining) cartoons of 2-3.

I mean, he Terminators the fuck out of dudes after telling them that the Terminator is coming for them and that has its charms (the boat stuff in particular) but it’s the same damn thing over and over. This is a completely different movie but 13 Assassins is the gold standard for having an appalling villain that you

Taken hit my limits earlier, since when he’s still looking for the best friend but finds her dead, every other vigilante movie would nod to at least trying to help all the other sex slaves, but he just wandered out. I think that’s also where he had the nonsensical idea to chase a car on foot?

People have really started to tout the Batman warehouse fight from Batman V Superman as ‘the best Batman fight scene ever’ which really bugs be. Because no matter how well choreographed or executed it is, it’s utterly hollow. There’s no emotional connection to the outcome of the fight, or to Batman as a character in

Nicky Katt fucking owns. That said, Nicky Katt beating the shit out of Adam Goldberg in Dazed and Confused is a better fight scene than anything in The Dark Knight.

I strenuously object to “Doomsday” being dismissed as an uninspired “Road Warrior” ripoff. It is a truly inspired “Road Warrior” ripoff.

In every column, Breihan snarks on a couple of movies in his “other notables” section that totally don’t deserve to be so dismissed. This week, it’s Doomsday and The Forbidden Kingdom.

I agree with just about everything said in this article about Taken - everything wrong-to-disgusting about it, the fact that it’s depressing that it kind of established a new low water mark for what could look acceptable in a fight scene in an action movie that could get hyped for having crazy intense fight scenes,

“Shot it in the thigh” is a lame catchphrase. And I worked really hard for a pretty lame pun.

The only thing I remember about Taken was that Maggie Grace snuck off to Europe to follow a U2 tour from city to city, which I find hilarious.

Yes, I hate Kinja too.

OK. Here’s my next request:

No internal beta can simulate site actively being read and commented on by thousands of people. Friend of mine specializes in helping web sites ramp up for spikes in traffic, because that site’s organization has big event, or high-profile thing happens. She said it basically impossible. (and, again, this is thing she

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